Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

That’s not how stalking works.

I am curious how it works…

Asking for a friend.

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On the internet, it is.

“Stalking : the act or crime of willfully and repeatedly following or harassing another person in circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to fear injury or death especially because of express or implied threats.”

When is your well being being threatened on the internet?

When people make a discord to specifically ‘attack’ you. On ignore you don’t notice until it’s too late. I seen a few people talk about this today.

That’s happened to me before. I was angry at first, then I decided to ignore it. I can’t control what people say about me, and unless I let it, it doesn’t affect me or my well being at all.

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You can’t say the same for everyone else though. People can be disturbed at what’s behind the curtain of the ignore feature.

I don’t ignore people because I feel less able to counter anything they say about me and defend myself.

If you let other people’s words hurt you, then you are giving them exactly what they want.

Give them no power.

It’s a hard lesson to learn, but trust me, once you do learn it, you’ll be a much happier person.

Some people suck. They’ll get bored and slither back under their rock when they realize you aren’t taking the bait.


i think if i tell everyone they will care

I’d change that to most people but otherwise I agree with you.


I’m a bit on Gorg’s side here. How does people talking about me equal an “attack” and how does it hurt me?

I mean, if I were a raider, I guess it could make it harder to get into groups or something, but my friends would still know the truth. So how is it a problem in the context of WoW?

Note: I think people have every right to hide their profiles if they wish. That also doesn’t affect me.


Not to mention mass campaigns to report every post you make, in the hopes you lose your posting rights, even though you don’t engage with them. Along with still talking to you, even though you have them on ignore, even if you slap someone on ignore, in the game, they can’t respond to you. Or, how Reddit does it, you can’t engage with somebody who has you on ignore.

Stalking, harassment, bullying, etc., call it what you want, it’s all the same, to me. These forums need a better ignore function. Until that day comes, I’m gonna wish for the downvote system’s return.

I should’ve added more context. These discord groups do flag targeting on people and forum posters get their accounts repeatedly suspended, additionally they dogpile on more people to harrass them on more alts as well.



I am just giving my opinion and what I think it says when one does it.

A perception -vs- reality thing.

Okay. But if the posts aren’t against the forum rules, the flags will be removed. The accounts won’t be suspended. And hiding my profile won’t stop that kind of behavior anyway, since flagging a post has nothing to do with my profile.

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Do you have any source for this?

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We’re not allowed to talk about account actions, but I do have proof of posts that their removal makes no sense, and I’ve been appealing this for over a month, now.

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This also happened to me. I’ve even got a ban over it once. So, I guess it worked.

I once had someone on these forums start listing my other alts, and contacting members of the guild I was in trying to cause issues.

I even had some fraudulent charges on the same credit card I use for my WoW subscription around the same time this was all going on. Connected? Not sure…

So, most likely, I’ve had it much worse than you. But I didn’t let it bother me long. Why should I? People like that are not worth your pain, or mine.

I stopped replying to them. It seems to have stopped. Maybe they still bash me on some random discord. I don’t really care if they do. Whatever floats their sad little boats…

If you show them it bothers you, they will never stop.

I had a completely nice thread removed not long ago. Didn’t bother to appeal anything because it really didn’t matter. Didn’t affect my ability to post, or change my trust level. But I can understand the frustration of trying to deal with Blizz on appeals.

Still, hiding your profile can’t stop people from flagging your posts, so that issue is irrelevant to the thread topic.

Not necessarily. If enough people flag a post it will get removed regardless of whether it breaks the forum rules or not, because it becomes based on mass opinion. Staff don’t know that it’s just a group of targeters.

I’ve had to go into tickets to retrieve my own posts that were flag targetted in the past but didn’t break any CoC, even the Blizzard Staff member said so when they reviewed it.


I was actually really sad when that thread was removed, it was very wholesome until I went to bed that night and by the time I woke up and logged on next morning it was gone so I was kind of bummed but yeah it sucked/sucks.