Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

So… Yes. You really ARE that salty about it. Good grief. Dude I’m over our little sparring session earlier. So should you be. Let it go bud.

This wasn’t about it, but you do in fact have an entire thread now lol. I don’t particularly remember even responding to you. I just recalled seeing it.

If you hide your entire post history because you might of changed your mind on a single topic discussed a few years ago, then sorry… that still makes you look shady and cowardly, in my opinion.

If I was in that situation, I would just say “I changed my mind. What of it?”

I don’t hide anything I said, ever.

I thought hiding them made it so you can not ignore them. Because i can not get that option unless their profile is not blocked.

Unless i am missing something?

Honestly, it doesn’t matter if it is hidden or not. Also, I have had people bother me in game before when I used to post on my main.

Uh. A little late for that. But okay. I guess I can just let you have it in the name of world peace.

Honestly I do fear with enough posts for a significant amount of time you’re eventually going to start being recognized in-game. And it can’t be helped.

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There’s a plethora of valid reasons.

For me replying at my discretion is important to me, I don’t like feeling rushed to reply you don’t see “replying” at the bottom when a hidden profile types.


If you’re only retort is to name call me/character attack, then we’re not having an honest conversation, now are we?

I think anyone who’s only interested in profile digging to throw what someone said, years ago, to their face is just being a bully and not interested in holding a conversation.

I’m an on and off again WoW player since BC and been posting on the forums since Cata. I shouldn’t have to constantly defend/repeat ad nauseum that I changed my mind about something to profile diggers looking to play “gotcha moments”. It’s exhausting.

I don’t, either. I’ve admitted to stating I was against the downvote system before but changed my mind. I’ve directly linked to my main. Instead of profile digging, why don’t you…IDK ask?

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I am giving my opinion. If you choose to get offended, then that’s on you.

I don’t think I’ve ever had someone search my post history, and link things I’ve previously said to use against me. Not once that I can recall. Perhaps there’s a reason why that’s never happened to me, but seems to happen to you?

You aren’t being forced to explain your previous comments. That’s your choice to do or not do so.

This is just a forum. If you don’t wish to debate someone, then block them and move on.

But hiding your entire post history does look like you have something to hide, whether it’s true in your case, or not.

If I am talking with someone on this forum, and I see they have their profile hidden, I assume most (if not all) of what they say isn’t their true opinion(s).

I am a firm believer of owning your words, and standing by them. If you don’t, then why say them at all?

Really the only thing I have to contend with is my guildmates laughing when I get forum banned.

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My, you sound really salty here.

I don’t care about “higher levels of play” but I will happily take “pot shots” at posters who pretend to know what other players are thinking or feeling. Unless you are psychic, you have no idea why someone might choose to hide their profile, and to claim that you do, using pejorative, antagonistic language, makes you look like a jerk.

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I’m not offended. I’m stating my opinion, just as much as you and so far you’re only retort is to name call/character attack.

It’s not just me. I’ve seen it happen to others. Just because you haven’t experienced it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

You JUST said:

'Cause if I don’t, according to you, I’ll “look shady”.

You’re right, it is. So, hidden profiles shouldn’t matter this much.

I have blocked MANY people. And part of “blocking people” is a “hidden profile”. Though, if they’re desperate enough can still profile dig.

You’ve said this, already, and I’ve proven my transparency.

You’re entitled to think that, but you’re just wrong. I’ve not lied about anything.

Me too.

Well, for some that aren’t me, are probably trolling, like you said. But not EVERYONE with a hidden profile is a liar/being dishonest/is a troll.

I don’t believe in lumping everybody together in the same category because those of us with hidden profiles have different reasons for doing so, and I certainly don’t want to be lumped in under the “troll” category of the “hidden profile” group.

As I’ve said, multiple times, you can get a good read of someone merely by asking the right questions and watching the posters fumble their own words, if they’re truly a dishonest person.

Which, I’m not a dishonest person and have been consistent and will make folks aware of any mind changing, that may have occurred. You don’t need to do any profile digging to get to the truth.

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Like I said, I have my opinion, and you have yours.

Get offended, or don’t. I don’t care, really.

I’m not going to rehash every word in every post back and forth.

I’ll just end with “Have a great night.”


I have my profile hidden, because I am a liar.


I remember the days when it was just a name and avatar on screen. Nobody had anything to ‘datamine’ you with, nobody was able to stalk you.

Now everybody makes a big stink about being “hidden”.


See, IDK if you’re lying or telling the truth :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

People can only “stalk” you on a forum if you let them.

Put them on ignore, and stop replying to them.

Stalking over.

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Only one way to find out… sucka :axe: