Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Yeah, my mind has changed on a few topics. I don’t see how that’s a bad thing nor need to defend that.

You completely changed what I said, when what I said was in the quote.

Aye. I never understand why someone says that. We all change our minds at time and something I once felt so strongly about I might not now.

Now, context. If you’re dealing with someone who is constantly switching up what they say, or their “opinion” that’s different. No?


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HAHAHA, I CHANGED ONE WORD! And all I did was remove the apostrophe

I literally only changed the you’re into you are. That’s it. English, do you speak it?

Then just say that.

“I changed my mind on this topic.”

Be honest instead of looking shady.

I think writing via text is the worst way to communicate.


I bought that at shirt barn. I was told it was very fetching by a gentleman far too old to be working minimum wage


DON’T BE === isn’t === YOU’RE.

I feel like I’m talking to cleverbot.

So you think by saying “Don’t be delusional” you’re not implying to them that they are delusional?

Don’t deceive yourself, I am not angry.

You can think what you want, but ya’ wrong.


The way you framed it made it seem like people that change their minds/no longer hold a position they held months/years ago as “trying to hide that”/“being shady”. When, I think those that dig for those kind of things aren’t holding an honest conversation and just want to play “but YOU said, X time ago (links to post)”, when I don’t see how that’s relevant to today/now.

And, I’ve admitted to changing mind on the downvote system, already. Any old posts of mine saying I’m against the downvote system is moot and irrelevant and have no business being brought up/digged for. I don’t see the point.

See, if you stick to the present and actually hold a conversation instead of digging for “gotcha moments”, we can proceed forward and actually have a conversation. Anyone only interested in profile digging is not looking for an honest conversation and just want to drag the posters through the mud.

It’s silly.


Why tell them to not be delusional then if they weren’t delusional in the first place? Clearly in your mind they would have to be in the state for you to tell them not to be in it in the first place.

Is english too hard for you to understand? Is it your first or second language?

You know what they say about assuming right?

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That doesn’t even apply here. You’re trying to do mental gymnastics about the very grammar you used and then preach to me about the English language.

What? C’mon man.

Dec, I think you need to take your own advice and go to bed.


I just made mine private because there is only downside to leaving it public, with no upside potential.


See, you have no argument now. We’re done, don’t be a hypocrite next time. You indirectly name called someone and told me not to name call and then you challenge my understanding of English when you don’t even comprehend the grammatical structure of English communication.

Wow dude. Just plain WOW. I chide you for having a hidden profile when talking about who deserves what mount and you flip your lid like this? You’d think I kicked your dog or something. Geez dude. LOL. Holy… (Yeah. I can’t say that here). Are you really that salty about this?

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Now you have an entire thread to answer your question. You’re welcome.

inb4: “Lol you made this as a response to one post!?,lolloll” no, it’s a question I’ve wanted to ask for a long time because I only know why I personally hide my profile.