Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

You started it!




No looks like that’s all you said. Isn’t that just indirect name calling? “You’re delusional.”

If you put a bunch of letters between these symbols < >, it’ll count towards the “10 char count” and hide the text, at the same time. Watch.

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EDIT: Hang on. Way for the forums to make me a liar :roll_eyes:




It kind of worked there.

Remove all punctuation and it works

Don’t be, and you’re look a lot different to me.

They still don’t have a comeback to me exposing their hypocrisy. They only say like 2 or 3 sentences, how long does it take?

Edit: I don’t even know what that reply means.

steps into thread
reads past few posts
steps out


I was trying to do this:

But, the forums are fighting me :laughing:

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We all switch our opinions from time to time. No one is impervious to that.

Tell us more tho senpai :clown_face:

Is English your first or second language?

I think I figured it out. No like punctuation in it, otherwise it won’t work. Good to know.

It’s HTML. Just use standalone tag syntax using any none html keyword, but no punctuation.

<tenchar />

Your reply was “Don’t be, and you are look a lot different to me.”

Back at you. What looks a lot different to me? What is this “you are” you refer to?

9/10 times i find it’s because the person wants to troll and or :poop:post.

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