Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

yeah its me that needs to grow up. When your bullying fails because I make you cry, I need to grow up. peh

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I’ve literally done nothing but link another post of yours.

The rest you did yourself.

Anyway, hidden profiles…

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I can take it. Luckily Im being civil.

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You are acting 5 years old and nothing is civil about you. It’s past your bed time. To bed with you.

Yeah yeah who cares

I feel like im in a daycare center fighting with children.

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You’re the one who has school tomorrow, stop pulling all nighters and making yourself look like a fool.

yes back on topic all profiles should be hidden to avoid this obsessive kind of behavior

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bro, with the name calling… stop it

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I have no horse in this race with you all currently but then why do you keep replying to them?




Youre all obsessed with me. You have fun being internet bullies. Big deal.

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And, yes, you look fabulous, BTW. I read your question elsewhere but responding to it, here :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Yeah true. Im out.


Last I checked calling people a troll is name calling and that is the most overdone thing on this forum.

Edit: There, I changed it, “Fool”, is that better?

If people were jumping off a bridge?

I don’t know man, I don’t think it is needed to make a point.

lol “civil”


inb4 “but they started it!!!”


And yet you tell people to stop being delusional.