Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

I never said EVERYONE was toxic. I said a particular person was toxic. ONE person was stalking me. Kind of like you. Its cute though

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we don’t believe you!


Yeah 'cause I helped you by just handing you my “main”. What now?

You’re literally spamming multiple replies at my posts at this point, using a metric ton of insults.


Melt down??? Lmfao. a real whole melt down. What a moron. :rofl: :nerd_face:

You started it. now your fee fees are hurt lmfao go to bed.

That’s when they know they lost :person_shrugging:

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OK, I do have that person you’re responding to on ignore, but you’re stressing me out with your constant fighting with every single person that ruffles your feathers. I’m asking you, politely, to stop.

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Lost what? You think this conversation had value? sheesh.

You’ve got way too much energy.

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When you make yourself out to be a victim, if it had no value (to you), it would have ended a long time ago.


I’m tired of your posts that aren’t productive whatsoever. Gotta add you to the list, too. Tired of reading you screeching at everybody.

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Im defending myself. Im stressing you out?? god theswe forums are a hilarious :rofl:

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Go to bed.

The only defense you need is from yourself at this point. I simply pointed out the obvious. You’re not being “creeped” on by anyone because they are toxic, you just lash out at everyone and hence why they probably get annoyed at you.


Look at the pile on. you guys are straight goobers. lmfao.


It’s multiple people against one, I think you’re in the wrong school yard.

You really need to grow up.

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It couldnt be because you’re a nasty toxic person just bullying people onlione. NOOOOO it has to be the person youre bullying. Well failing to bully.

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