Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

I hid mine after having the OP of this thread and Pawzer following me and harassing me in multiple threads then both of them said they followed me and harassed me because I supposedly deserved it, so it’s not always black and white sometimes you just don’t want people harassing you just for the sake of harassing you because they didn’t agree with something you said at one point or another on a specific topic and to add context to why they both harassed me it’s was due to the Worgen tail subject and Dracthyr joke and me finding it funny.


Now this is good foruming.


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Awwww big tough guy get mad. Feel better now? Being big bad tough guy on internet? So cute. Who gives a crap about you lmfao :crazy_face:

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Whoa whoa, you switched that around entirely. You kept coming back to MY threads or the threads I was in. Nobody followed you. You’re not important enough to be followed.

You sowing :

You reaping :


Maybe fix your attitude and no “creepo” is going to follow you around.


Seeing profiles makes it easier to match trolls that post on multiple characters. Personally, I don’t hide it since this is my main.

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Ah, yes, lying is what that clique of folks do. And, instead of putting us on ignore, they report you, in hopes you get punished because that’s more important than moving on.

That clique single handedly changed my mind on the downvote system. I used to be against it but now, I think it should make a comeback, until people you’ve blocked can’t read/see your posts to report, like the way Reddit does it.

The ignore feature exists.

The person you mentioned does that to everyone, so ignore them and stop letting them upset you.

I mentioned 2 reasons. Can you count to 2?

What does it matter if someone looks up your previous posts?

Is it to prove you wrong with your own previous comments? Sounds like this…

My point still stands.


Some ppl consider it as their personal information like their bank account details, they really don’t care of your reasons what you think about them

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Alt or not we can see your achievements and those are account wide in terms of fos. So even alt hiding means nothing.

It doesn’t. If they want to dig info on me so badly, my hidden profile shouldn’t stop them.

Nope because a hidden profile doesn’t stop you from digging up my posts. If you’re desperate enough, a hidden profile shouldn’t stop you.

So does mine.

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It doesn’t. The best way to search someone’s post history is not actually on the forums.

Whats the point of even going that far lmfao. Thats literally mental. stalkerish


Let’s be honest though, that isn’t why they hide it.

You feel better now creepo? You went outta your way to look up my information like a stalker lmfao. I feel bad for you guy. You didnt even get anything good. You just wasted your time. Do better for yourself.

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The more you post, the more you prove my point. You hid your profile to hide posts like these so in the next thread, you can try to pretend it’s everyone else that’s the problem.


2 clicks. Wasn’t out of the way, literally the magnifying glass is on screen at all times on the forums.

Exposed a forum troll in the process.

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You dont see yourself as a problem. Which is a big problem. You went out of your way to find literally nothing. Just to be a bully. What i said on that post was nothing. Why didnt you post the question they asked? " why would you delete a character and then want to restore it?" That was a troll stupid reply guy. Get some help man. You need it.

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No. I never look at people’s post history, except when they bring it up to claim they hide it because everyone else is toxic. That I gotta admit piques my curiosity, because my experience is people the quickest to claim others are toxic are usually the most vile.

And you’ve delivered so much in this thread. A real live play by play of a complete meltdown of someone discovering hidding their profile doesn’t erase their own toxicity.

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Stop being mental man. If you think what i said was toxic, you need some thicker skin. You wanna be a bully and you fail. You dont een know me. My name isnt rekarella and Im not a demon hunter lmfao.


2 clicks. real “diggin”

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