Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Profile, Armory, Achievements, etc., it’s all synonymous, to me.

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Not everyone, but pretending to be a raider on the forums is far more common than you would expect.

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yea, it’s not really a big deal. i think it’s perfectly reasonable to want to look at someone’s experience if they’re talking about something

I haven’t raided in so long. Sometimes I miss it but then I think about all the hours and having to dedicate myself to so many ppl every week. Hard pass.


Again, it’s easy to detect without having to dig through their Profile, Armory, Achievements, etc., whatever you want to call it.

Not wanting to raid is fine. But talking authoritatively about how raid guilds work when you’ve never been a part of one is a different story.



Found the creepo. What was the purpose of this? Oh yeah to be toxic, and then call others toxic. Projection much?

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I’ll chip in all of this. One big issue of those who post on classic toons, alts or hidden profiles, is that you have no clue what kind of player they are when it comes to the topic of the thread. I don’t care if your hiding, what I care about the most is that a few of these kinds of players troll threads and hide themselves.

I care less about hidden profiles, some of them make good points but many do not.

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fun fact i can still search you on wow and see your profile

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Yup definately a toxic player lmfao. I dont care what you think guy. carry on.

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I dont mind the existence of private profiles.

The problem I have with private profiles is ignoring someone, I wouldn’t say its hard par say but it just adds a couple of clicks (like 7 to be exact) and adding their name. I dont know why I have to go to an extra mile to ignore someone (which I rarely add people to ignore but its mainly consist of trolls) instead of just clicking on someone’s protrait and ignoring them from there regardless if its private or public.

I dont like hiding my stuff because I don’t really have anything to hide hence I post on this character mainly because I main this character since MoP than some Classic level 11 character.

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Yes, you can. I just like taking away the shortcut and force you to actually do proper digging, if you really want to. Here, I’ll help you:

This is my “main”. No, she’s not capped, and I’m not interested in capping her. She’s my longest living character since I began in BC and stopped raiding back in WoD. Most of the stuff I comment on are about Classic, Chromie Time, unlocking Allied Races and low level content because that’s what I do. You won’t see me talking about any current raiding nor anything PvP related because as my history shows, I’ve never been into much of that, to begin with.

If you hide your profile, that means you are ashamed of some of your posts, and you want to hide them from sight.

Or you like to troll, and switch your “opinions” often, and you know you can be exsposed with your own comments.

Either way, it makes you look cowardly and shady, in my opinion.

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OK, so I’m “a coward”, now what? Name calling / character attacking doesn’t prove, anything :roll_eyes:

Such a cheap tactic to undermine the poster making posts, that you’re not having an honest discussion and only want to attack your opposition. It’s silly.


Then why is your profile hidden?

And I said the act is cowardly. That doesn’t mean your whole existence is a coward.

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I answered this, forever ago:

And, I accept the terminology, now what?

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1- To prove hiding your profile doesn’t prevent anyone from finding you on the forums

2- To prove that once again, the people who accuse others of being toxic are usually the most vile people around.

Ironic, after you insulted 5 people trying to help you in not even the first 10 posts of your thread.


Look at this guy. He thinks the only reason anyone would hide their profile is because they’re trololololling.

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