Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

In my opinion the biggest reason is due to the fact that it makes ignoring some trolls (especially with how limited the ignore list already is) more difficult to do successfully

So is the consensus that the reason ppl hide their profile is because they’re casual?

Nah, I like listening to other opinions tbh. Just is nice to know someone commenting on the content that I actively engage with actually also engages with it! Doesn’t need to be deeper than that!

I don’t hide anything and I’m so casual that I go months without logging in lol.

We haven’t met any consensus yet, this topic has been going on for 6 hours.

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I kept some hidden and actually probably will go back to it for the sole fact I don’t like that it shows when you’re online and last on.

I mean, completely legit if you’re complaining there’s no solo content but you haven’t done Mad World, Tower Ranger, any Mage Towers Legion or Shadowlands, etc…

But it’s not gatekeeping. No gates are being kept.

I mean as soon as there’s a Gamer Union and your Gamer credentials are officially voided by it, you’ll have a point about gatekeeping. Until then, it’s not gatekeeping just because someone’s opinion of you is that you’re not much of a gamer.

Which I just said.

So you wouldn’t even need to look at my profile and say “Oh, you’ve never done “X”, therefore, what do you know?”

If I’m obviously talking from a weak position, you should be able to easily discredit me without looking at my profile.

If you have to bring up my profile in an attempt to discredit me, then you are insecure in your position and quite possibly arguing from a weak position as well.

Profile shaming isn’t even necessary here.

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I’m late to the party I see.

It isn’t deep. You’re just framing your behavior in a way that is a whisper away from being an outright lie instead of only a lie by omission.

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I’ve been playing my threads today more than I’ve been playing the game.

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That makes a lot of sense. I understand that 100%

Too vague of an argument to make, it depends on the situation. What’s more, it still can be done. You could have great points but for all anyone knows, you are just repeating what you heard a streamer say. Said streamer could have great points but they probably have the experience to support them, you might not.

Yeah? I mean I’m glad you feel that way. Anyway, I’m gonna continue doing it for whatever reason that it i need because well, if someone is gonna comment on some content i hope they at least do it.

So easy to detect without digging through their profile.

I hear you. WoW forums are more fun vs the game rn, imo.

Y’all have fun. I’m really weird about what I like ppl knowing. I’m very open and also very private. I also value laughter and being silly.

I did know a man that had so many accounts. He was a “noob” on one, mediocre on another, farmed on some, and amazing on a couple. I’m sure that is pretty rare though.

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I just look at their armory thru the view profile button. idc about the profile really.

It is never necessary.

I don’t even bother looking at people’s profiles unless they specifically ask “how can I make my character better?”, and then I’ll give them pointers on the talents and gear I see there.

If you immediately jump to someone’s profile, it’s because you cannot debate them by just the contents of their and your posts alone.

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I would imagine the most common reason is to avoid threads being derailed with attempts to discredit rather than simply engaging with the argument. Most people probably don’t think about it at all until the strain of forum-goers who are obsessed with it veer off-topic over and over again.


It very frequently is lol.