Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Read the rest of the post. It’s fine when the topic is relevant to the armory peeking, not so much when it’s used to invalidate opinions on entirely unrelated parts of the game.

Lol why would anyone comment about something they haven’t even gotten to yet? Is this for real? I question the kind of people I associate with on a base level, especially if I plan to go further up in DF. That’s pretty childish.

Has nothing to do with “not having a say,” it has to do with credibility. You can have all the say you want but if you have no experience with the topic, most people aren’t going to take you seriously lol.

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The question of the century really. I still listen to their opinion of course, but knowing it comes from someone who has like experience is worth something to me.

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So what determines this score? How many keys you complete? Is there a max level? I think I seen people talk about keys going up to 20? Though mostly I see 15.

I mostly did because I do not like that it shows when you were last on. I don’t like it at all.

Some girl who frequents here told me I was “insecure” to keep a hidden profile. So far from the truth, I’m very secure.

It takes a brain cell to look up an account that is hidden.

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But that’s still not gatekeeping though.

I mean, no one should ever use your raiding experience to discredit your Battle pet knowledge, but even if they did, they aren’t keeping any gates.

Except, my profile might not tell you what experience I do or don’t have.

I could be posting from an alt or even a second account.

Looking at my profile doesn’t give you enough info to dismiss what I’m saying.


It does though. Achievements and progress can still be looked up and if you are so insecure that you need to post on a different account, you can still be dismissed for lack of knowledge on the topic, whether true or not.

What’s so funny to me when someone rakes you over the coals about your achieves is some ppl have separate battle nets. Not the 8 (is it 8?) under once license. It always gives me a personal thrill.

Yeah, the fabled “Scarab Lord, on my other account” bit.

Pretty common thing, everyone has another account with Scarab Lord on it.

You’re assuming that if I’m posting from a second account I’m insecure?

You make a LOT of assumptions about people with no evidence if that’s the case.

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I’m just keeping facts straight. The compulsion you have spawns from you being a toxic and insecure person who is trying to “win” arguments rather than engage with them. An argument is either valid or it isn’t, and the only time someone’s personal experience is truly relevant is if they are trying to push a subjective opinion based on that experience. Someone who hasn’t done mythic+ has no business commenting on whether it’s a fun experience or not, but that’s pretty much the extent of it. If they haven’t touched the content at all and are trying to speak to the logistics of it their position will be easily dismantled.

Again, to someone who is secure in their position it wouldn’t even occur to them to deal with the person before the argument unless the argument is literal babble.


I mean if you want to dive into a topic headfirst while posting on an account displaying zero knowledge of said topic while also claiming to be an expert…what exactly would you call it? If I was an expert on a topic, I would be proud to display it lol.

I’m glad you typed that all but I just wanna make sure someone has some kind of credibility.

My posts should be your only metric of whether or not I “know what I’m talking about” or not.

If you can’t discredit me on that, then your position was weak going into it.


Ok, you know you can just use the search function.

In fact, search your name pops up this little gem :


Who’s actually toxic here ?

You’re literally berating everyone replying to you in that thread. Maybe you hide your profile so you can try to pretend you’re not a complete toxic individual.


Not if your posts are directly displaying a lack of knowledge of said topic lol.

What I’ve seen is more along the lines of, “oh you haven’t done X or Y, clearly you’re not a real WoW player and shouldn’t have a say in what features get added”, which would be a form of gatekeeping (who’s considered a “real” player).

It’s closely related to more broad gatekeeping in gaming you might have seen, who count as a “real” gamer. I see MOBA and FPS players throw this one around a lot, e.g. “lol you play WoW? You’re not a real gamer”

Which, in plain, non-coded English, means your first course of action is to look for any justification you can find to dismiss a position rather than engage with it.