Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Because I can
I am also a private person and don’t like being harassed in game

Makes fun of your common grey shirt…

Okay thats just mean! Youve simply gone too far red!

Quoted for truth.

I need a Snickers bar. I’m a mean elf when I’m hungry. :smiling_imp:

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Is there one for me?
Because i would like to join that discord just to say hi and see the reactions on their faces. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I would actually be honored, because that means i basically have a cult now. I can even get them to hate-pay me. :rofl: /j

Ye, I’m sure that’s something you have to deal with incredibly often. Just all the time you arguing with someone and them saying something that is just so blatantly incorrect – as opposed to simply something you disagree with – where you’d feel legitimately compelled to check their bona fides. You’re certainly not compulsively checking the profiles of anyone with a different perspective as your first instinct. Totally.

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Nah, not really. I’m pretty open minded but I’d like to know that they also know what they’re talking about. I’m sure 3k players do the same thing to me to some degree.

Not on Windows XP. :stuck_out_tongue:

Why does this rating matter so much? It’s just a score. I get higher keys reward higher ilvls but that’s all I effin’ care about.

Your score means nothing to me, I care about the real deal, show me your ilvl, etc.

Only really matters when they’re trying to talk about a part of the game that they’re not really touching. Or like trying to spread misinformation.

Right, because you are toxic and insecure. Someone who is secure in their own position and their ability to defend it wouldn’t feel that compulsion outside of rare circumstances where the other person says something just patently absurd.

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Not really, it’s just nice to know if they know what they’re talking about. Pretty simple to understand.

I talk about Mythic, plenty of videos I see for Tank guides, but I get Mythic+ has different affixes that change the boss battles. I suppose you’re referring to anyone talking about a specific mechanic further down the line when they haven’t even gone that far?

People like to use that as a “well you haven’t done “x” content, so you don’t have a say”.

It’s a nonsense point to have against someone voicing an opinion about something.

People hide their profiles to avoid that.

It is, but you’re being disingenuous about the reason. That’s why I rephrased it for you for accuracy. It’s not just some random desire you have that bubbled up from nowhere. It exists for a reason, and that reason is what I described in my previous post.

Yeah it’s not really a big deal. If people want to comment on 20+ keys and how they should be, they should maybe do the content before. that’s just an example of a situation. yeah everyone can have an opinion sure

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Wait, calling you out on your claimed raiding experience you lack is also gatekeeping now ?

Is not getting your morning coffee because you ran out of Nabob also gatekeeping ?

Why do people keep using words improperly around here ? :thinking:

I still don’t know what your point is. I’m still going to do it, because i like to know that people have some what of an idea of what they’re commenting on.

I didnt have my profile hidden untill I got some creepo following my posts and just being noxic and toxic everywhere I went. Thats what most people looking at your profile want to do.