Hidden artifact appearances

can we still get hidden artifact appearances for our legion artifact weapons? i have one of the hidden appearances unlocked, and mogged. it says on wowhead, you just need to run 30 legion dungeons with the hidden appearance mogged, to unlock another one. so i ran every legion dungeon, including return to karazhan. i ran them on normal, heroic and mythic (except kara which i ran on mythic). and some normals i ran more than once. nothing. so i downloaded an addon that tracks your progress and i have 0/30 or 0/100. in effect, 2 days of wasted time.

It has to be done with a Character who has the Weapon and Base hidden skin unlocked. But you can earn all Hidden Skins. The transmog portion can be applied to anyone of the same class which can cause that confusion. My main warrior has all 3 skins unlocked but my alt warrior doesn’t have the weapon unlocked let alone the skin. So if I want more colors I have to use my main warrior to unlock those skins if I want to use them on my alt.


hmm, this is a problem because i have so many mages from playing for 14 years, i’m not sure who earned it. i tried the altoholic add-on to search all their bags and banks for the everburning crystal, which is the drop that awards the first frost mage hidden appearance , but none of them had it. it may have been deleted. is there an achievement for it? maybe i could search their achievements

The achievement you’ll be looking for is Hidden Potential under Expansion Feature Tab, Legion Class Hall.


thank you! :sparkling_heart:


Your welcome, and good luck on locating that original mage. The skins from legion are still some of my favorite and most transmogged so well worth finding the original to save on the grind.

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oh this is weird. you wont believe it. it was earned by my hunter. just what in the world? lol. now thats a bug. hunters can use staves but frost mage hidden artifacts?

It could be like the BoP skins that happened, where if you unlocked the extra colors on one character it would apply to the other classes but not the base skin which would still need to be earned.

so do you think my hunter can earn more frost mage hidden appearances?

I wouldn’t rule it out. It’s at least worth a try with one of the easier colors to test the water on it. I know it would be annoying to waste another day doing it, but theories do need some testing. So it is worth giving it a go because it would save you having to try and get the RNG for the Base Hidden Mage skins to start unlocking the others.

well i tried the tracker on hunter and its showing 9/100.
thats 91 dungeons to go lol

Rough, but I think the fastest legion would be Maw of Souls. Which is pretty fast if you can solo it.

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faster than violet hold?

you can equipt your artifact weapon and in your class hall see what character have the hidden skin unlocked


so test 1: yes it updated to 10/100. so 1/10th of the way there. thanks again.

Ya, maw is outright kill things in a line where you wait for portal spawns in VH. Good that test 1 is working.

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it dawns on me that one of the conditions (have the unlocked appearance mogged on char that is running dungeons) cant be met with my hunter unless her bow can be mogged with a stave

update: her bow cant be mogged with the hidden appearance, it doesnt even show up in her stave mogs, even though she earned it, because she’s not a mage lol

egads, what if i run all 100 dungeons and dont get the unlock because shes not a mage or because she cant mog the first hidden unlock. i dunno how she even got the first one unlocked, though i vaguely remember the everburning crystal

1/5 (20/100) note: maw is better
huh, when i got to 30, it registered as 100%. no second hidden appearance notification, so i went on this mage and no second hidden appearance on the mogifier for her either.

end of test results: just cuz you unlocked first hidden mage appearance on hunter, doesnt mean you can unlock the second. likely because as hunter, you cant meet the mog requirement (that is, to have the first hidden appearance mogged on you and since you’re not a mage, you cant)

so since the original unlock was on a hunter who couldnt complete the second unlock since shes not a mage, does that mean none of my mages can unlock the original also, since its already been unlocked?

I find it weird that s hunter could unlock the first one, as artifacts were very class specific. It’s probably more likely that your hunter earned the achievement themselves and you’re working on a color tint for one of their weapons?

If you didn’t go through all your mages (you said you had a lot but didn’t say you did them all before stopping on Hunter) you might want to finish checking. Also is it possible that you deleted/transferred the one that did the quests?

A ticket might be able to narrow down the character for you but I’m not sure if that would fall under game hints or not.


this char can mog one of the hidden appearances. so can my other mages. so someone earned it. and only reference in achieves is hidden potential and hunter was credited. sure, coulda been hunter hidden but i thought you just paid gold for hunter hiddens?