Hi Wyrmrest Accord. I'm coming back

Don’t make me get the canned air.

It’s times like this that make a Druid truly appreciate the blessings that Elune has bestowed upon us. We can retreat to the forests and watch the rest of Azeroth’s many governments fall in the chaotic mire of geopolitical maneuvering.

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Did he! I’m a little out of touch and the last time I saw him he was staring at a wall and twitching occasionally. I still miss Cairne. I still blame Thrall.


I will forever be salty Cairne died in a book.

But yes, if you have a max level character, specifically a Tauren, you can speak to Mayla in the central area of Valdrakken and she sends you off on a quest to find Baine, who is in turn looking for a caravan of Tauren pilgrims who came to the Dragon Isles following a vision from a certain Wild God …

Tauren get a 2-handed totem weapon at the end of it, but I will not spoil the twists you’ll encounter in the questline.


One my absolute favorite times on WRA was right before the Cata patch hit that killed Cairne.

Everyone on Team Blue was rolling lowbie Horde chars and going to TB to say their farewells. I remember everyone /kneeling on their chars and roleplaying it.

I have screenshots somewhere on a random HD. I’ll have to find them.



I remember having to log in one night super late to get a solo screenshot, because some blonde Blood Elf kept ruining everyone’s screenshots.


Oh yeah, I think a started that quest chain actually.

I’m still angry about that. Cairne should have been Warchief.

I remember that so well. And I remember tons of people going to the “burial” as well.

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I stayed up until about 4 AM on the day before the Cataclysm Patch to kill all the Horde bosses and took a screenshot next to Cairne. Our server was super imbalanced so Horde would destroy us if we tried during peak hours- so we snuck ourselves across enemy lines in the dead of night and paid our respects to the Old Bull (and Thrall/Lor’thermar/Sylvanas)


You can tell it’s a vintage picture of Thunder Bluff on account to the random dead Tauren scattered all over the place. (Seriously, is it weird when the sight of a digital corpse triggers nostalgia?)

Was it me? I legitimately cannot remember for love or money. I dearly hope it wasn’t me (I was rocking the moniker “Starstalker” back then).


Welcome back, old friend.

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It definitely wasn’t that name. I went to see if I managed to get him in any screenshots and I DID! Sort of. I got his corpse in this one. He’s on the floor near my feet. I’m the Orc in front of Cairne. Since he kept messing up peopple’s screenshots, we got some friends from Blue to come over and kill him.

I don’t remember the name exactly, but I do remember it being some word in German, because that was a point of discussion, all things considered. :roll_eyes:


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You know, I was thinking maybe it was Dawnblood because I misread and thought you’d meant some blood elf was killing the team blue players.


The longer I hang out here on WrA the more I come to appreciate the history y’all have witnessed over the years.

Very cool.



I’ve seen some spit, man.

Good and the bad.

I still remember the big ol’ public execution in Silvermoon that one time.


No, it definitely wasn’t Dawnblood.

I probably typed it out a bit confusingly, sorry for that.

I rolled a lowbie Orc to get to TB to take some screens of Cairne before he got killed off in the patch and the BE was there disrupting everyone doing the same thing I was. Just being a wonk in general.

I flipped back over to Team Blue and got some friends to come to TB and kill the guy, while I logged back on my Orc and took the screens.

I swear I remember this night. I think I was just questing around Mulgore at the time and people were talking in General/Local Defense to let the Alliance kill the Blood Elf.

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He was doing it for a few nights, if I recall. Just running through, ruining everyone’s RP and screenshots. We’d get someone to come kill him, he’d either come right back or come back shortly. The amount of time he spent being a toad was just pathetic.

People just wanted screenshots and to RP some tributes to Cairne, especially the Tauren community. It was just a jerk thing to do.

ETA: Crazy to think it was 14 years ago. lol


Local Defense pings Thunder Bluff is Under Attack!

Local Defense folks: “Do not engage! Repeat do not engage! Friendly Blues! Friendly Blues! They’re only killing the Guards that aggro on them!”


There are still a few old timers here from when the server was new. They have some stories to tell - good, bad, and questionable. I moved a character here when the server was only a few months old. I watched and learned for about a year before I started to RP and moved Kinarra here. This server will always be Warcraft for me.

You know that all sounds really familiar. Earthspear Tribe was based in Thunderbluff at the time, and remember having a hard time with griefers.


Do you mean the one where somebody got caught trying to score a goal with somebody else’s wife, the one where a Troll got accused of stealing by a Guard Guild, the one where a Half-Elf Roleplayer was accused of being an Alliance spy because they were half human, the one where two Guard Guilds accused the other of being disloyal to Kael’thas and executed each other’s leaders, the one where a Kor’kron Commander and his bully-squad accused a Sin’dorei of treason and executed them in Murder Row, the one where somebody got executed for ‘crimes against nature’, the one where a Shadow Priest was executed for trying to go near the Sunwell, the one where a Forsaken was executed for unlawful necromancy, the one where a Death Knight was executed for unlawful necromancy after using Raise Undeath on a fallen player in the middle of a city raid, the one where somebody pointed out Jaina was right to eject the Sin’dorei from Dalaran but not to kill them by a self-proclaimed ‘Magister’, or the one where a Thistle Dealer was executed for not giving the Guard Guild their weekly cut?


People were po’d at the guy. Legit ticked. I remember the Tauren guilds especially. You know, it was freaking Cairne Bloodhoof!!

Cairne being killed off was a SCANDAL back then. If someone is relatively new, they probably wouldn’t understand considering how much Blizz has done to the story in the years since, but back then? Big f’n deal.

Man, when we all found out Cairne was getting killed off? People flipped out. WHO ARE THEY GONNA KILL NEXT? OMG THEY CAN’T DO THAT.

I cared about the story once upon a time. I wish I still did.