Hi Wyrmrest Accord. I'm coming back

Hello Wyrmrest Accord.

It’s me, possibly your old friend Kiethoo Wolfsong, formerly Overlord of Wintergrasp for you WotLK people, Kor’Kron Loyalist of Thrall for you Cata-Pandaria People who were here for the Kor’Kron Trial Server Events.
And now just Kiethoo who hasn’t played since the end of Shadowlands…barf…

I am coming back and I am excited to come back now that Metzen is back in charge of things. I plan to come back to Wyrmrest Accord and play as my one and only Orc Warrior most likely as a Orc Tank.
I should have my long time questing partner and friend at my side and I can’t wait to explore all the new story content with her.

I hope to see some old fimilar names and faces on WRA when I come back.
Kirsy, Kinarra, really any of the Earthspear Tribe members! Any of my fellow former Kor’Kron Elites.

I haven’t decided yet but I might try and make the effort to build a Kor’Kron Elite group again. It depends on a few factors like if WRA is still really active or not RP wise, if there isn’t a glut of new Guilds recruiting already. That kinda thing.

I will most def 100% be Roleplaying Kiethoo as gaining a new title once the DLC hits!
Mostly cause I have too…

Ive been playing alot of Guardians of Azeroth II of Crusader Kings III Mod.
And once you go from playing as Warchief of the Horde of Kalimdor, or High Overlord of the Barrens, or the Orc Lich King…you can’t just go back to Roleplaying a Orc Grunt standing RP walking around the Valley of Honor!

Look forward to being on server again soon!


God…the Wintergrasp days. Back when we fought on the same side (and I still had the name Starstalker).

Oh heeeeyyyyyy there!

Good to see you back :slight_smile: Tell Ms. M hello from me. Can’t wait to see your new title.


I 100% knew you’d still be around Kirsy!
Love the smarty smart smart glasses!

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Blizzard needs orc characters so bad they’re pulling Kiethoo out of the grave. Yeesh.


Nice! TOPSAIL! Good to see you.
So happy theres still old timers around!
Can’t wait to hop in and get ready for the new Expansion!


Ha, man! been awhile, innit?

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We never actually spoke, but I fully remember you spending 20-30 minutes rounding up your Horde troops before WG back in the day and getting team red pumped up to head into WG and destroy us…again!

As much as I hated losing, NGL you were really good at getting team red hyped up.

Once Xara came in along with a few others (AAO chiefly) we finally got moving on team blue.

Wrath was a whole vibe and universe on this realm.



That’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. …A long time.

Welcome back! Transferred here before Dragonflight so the in-jokes are going over my head. If you brought back Kor’Kron Elite, how would they look in today’s new Horde landscape?

I am thinking the orcy equivalent of seppuku…?

But how does one chop off one’s own head with an axe? :face_with_monocle:

Beheading Buddies! It’s basic orc training 101.

Edit: Actually I take that back. That’s the Old Kor’kron. The Nu Kor’kron would braid each other’s hair while sharing their feelings.

The Viltrumite tradition.

Make sure the accused is of sound mind and body. Well fed.

Then beat them to death

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That’s still the Old Horde. New Horde would be tickle fight until someone cries uncle.

Me not that kinda Orc

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Oh come on… Consensual, body zone appropriate, tickles goes without saying.

Don’t make me tap the sign again

Gonna have a third horde civil war if you don’t knock it off!!

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