Hi Wyrmrest Accord. I'm coming back

Definitely support Southfury Watch! Go to a Soup Night. The Soup must flow…

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Soup night, omg, how did I forget?

I can still remember going to this and having a big bowl of homemade soup infront of me!
Def going!

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I refuse to accept that I am older than Kiethoo.


Yes, but now you can call him sonny and junior and whippersnapper.

And make “back in my day” comments at him.

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Welcome back, Kieth.


why do you have boobs?!

Good to see you and Kinarra!
I keep seeing all these old names and its good to see old timers coming back.
Im excited now that Metzen is back in charge of things

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Welcome back Kor’kron!


Im so angry.
I started to do the Koshharg event with my questing partner and one of the lasts quests parts is Bugged so we can’t finish it!!!

also Hi Sholaad!

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Try again after Tuesday reset. If that doesn’t do it, I guess it’s ticket time.

aww I miss AAO

i’m coming back too!


This thread has made me remember how much fun and all the friends I had back in the day. I thought I was finally getting all that out of my system. Dang it!


I made an updated Kor’Kron look with some of the new pieces coming in TWW! It’s good to see a familiar name return, even if I was only ever a lurker on the forums. :sweat_smile:

I mean it’s clear why they never added the matching Boots for the Elite set even after years of me spamming the suggestion daily along with others.

Alliance Socialists!

They wan’t to keep the Kor’Kron from reforming and make Azeroth a Socialist Planet.

But Im not gonna let that happen, Im going to Make the Horde Great Again.
Great, Awesome, So good, Great.

Mate, considering the war-crimes, allegiance to a specist warlord who wanted to purge Azeroth of all who would not follow and serve Orcs, and how badly every other political ideology has shafted the planet, in some cases quite literally, a socialistic Horde is probably the least ‘evil’ thing we’re ever gonna face here.

Besides, the Horde Council is meritocratic at worst, and with everything coming down to Yays and Nays for deciding our course of action, we are significantly unlikely to repeat the nonsense of Garrosh or Sylvanas, especially since we got rid of Gallywix for Gazlowe, who actually cares for something other than being the richest blob of goblin-fat in history, Baine finally took up the mantle of Main Character after 19 years of trying to be Supporting Character without success, Mayla will reck you if you try anything, Thalyssa and Lor’themar are the power couple and we will fight to protect them, and outside of that, Thrall is the leader of the Orcs and hellbent on not repeating his mistakes again, and Cauliflower Calia Menethil, who is most certainly only ever going to go for defensive measures against the Alliance unless something dramatic happens.

That leaves Queen Talanjii, who would probably appreciate a crack at Jaina again but is a lot wiser than her youth would suggest and has Bwonsamdi on her side who might enjoy more souls, but is also a lot wiser than he looks and knows better than to pick needless fights when the whole world hates you anyways, Rule 63 Thrall aka Geya’rah who has toned down her “I hate the Light Forged” rhetoric significantly who would delight in a fight against the Alliance but would get shouted down really damn quick, and maybe Rokhan, but he’s also more interested in building the Darkspear Trolls back up, both in numbers and prestige since Vol’jin has become a Loa and that will add significant weight to their Tribe, both amongst the Horde who venerate Vol’jin as a hero for his many actions on behalf of the Horde, and amongst the Troll Tribes who have traditionally looked down their tusks at the Darkspear, but who now have pride-of-place at the side of the vaunted Zandalari.

Like it or not, we are the defensive faction going forwards and we’re gonna stay that way because if we genocide for the … 7th time? There is going to be no reason for the Horde to continue to exist, or have any other faction trade with or communicate with it, other than Author Appeal/Abuse.


oh wow. yikes.


*Puts on Red Kor’Kron Helmet



No. Bad Kiethoo.

(Insert spray bottle gif here)


You forgot the /s tag.
Please tell me you forgot the /s tag.

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cat Hiss noises

Here kitty kitty kitty! Here kitty kitty!

Ol’ Grymn has got a nice saucer of goats milk fer ya.
