Hi Fieldarmy here

The average wow player couldn’t find their own bottoms with both hands.


Fieldarmy was finally not on the other team.

I’ve never seen Horde pugs so desperate to win an epic bg.

Those poor Alliance pugs.

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Wait …so Huamao doesn’t run a community at all then? Always thought you guys had one! We would get “excited” every time we q into y’all in games.

Tell Huaomao that the goats have a penchant for getting him killed because that would only get him to afk out of the game haha. So who else is usually with you people …Ssjral, Valmontee and another hunter I forgot his name?

They’re organized. They just don’t want to admit it.

By the way. Because these people think it’s a shame to be killed in an epic bg. So when they were about to die they would leave from the bg to avoid death. Very interesting eh?

Funny thing is that you have never expicitly said whether or not the FA named tunes are multiboxing (if you did I missed it). So, when people see a bunch of boomies all with essentially the same name, its understanably suspicious.

Also, there are the FA named boomies and an FA named shaman, and it feels like when the shaman goes down the big AOE push with the boomies falls apart. Coicidence? Maybe, I dunno. Not trying to get all conspiratorial, but it’s something that’s been observed.

Anyway, is there any truth to the belief that you guys use a multiboxer?


Nope, not a community at all. Just a casual band of players, and I happen to join them on occasion. We are all Asians. /AFK isn’t our style, even when up against group syncers. The only time I recall Huamao going MIA was due to a random disconnect, so hearing accusations of /AFK behavior is pretty surprising to me.

It’s more common in CN where their members would name themselves after their community just to confuse their enemies. Iron Blood Cavalry does the same thing with a lot of toons named Ibcxxx but that doesn’t mean they’re multiboxing. What they did there was quite clever.

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Theres a cn video website call Bilibili

Search key word “联盟-维和部队”

You will find out how we play wow.
I cant post a link here.

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We have fought them plenty of times and on a few occasions where we would chase Huamao all over the place so before landing a kill on him he just disappears from the BG to prevent his own death. It really happened.



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They even do samething in wpvp. Take advantage of scenario to avoid death.

If you have a toon in scenario then inv the main toon you play in the wpvp. Then main toon will change the map into the scenario. In the end, main toon leave the scenario. The system will automatically bring them back to where they were. It’s like the random dungeon. However, scenario can be controlled manually.

In a tale with two narrators, one’s words carry the weight of consistency and the other’s—a fascinating study in creative storytelling.

Well I mean after all you’re horde so it’s fine to defend your own horde buddies. It’s all good.

what a classic selective disregard. As if you knew everything lol

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Theres some combat video inside. Check it out. Dont be so arrogant.


Respectfully, I have no idea what that webiste is and I’m not really interested in downloading a player to watch the vid.

A simple yes or no on the multiboxing question would suffice.


Interesting, but would like to hear it from the man himself.

Did you not read the 2nd and 3rd reply in this thread?

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