Hi Fieldarmy here

Hello, everyone I would like to ask the horde premade when do they usually play(PST EST??)

Looking for a tough epic bg cuz i would like to put my teammates through the mill.



I’ve seen them around 11pm EST and probably deep into 1-3AM.

So are you a multiboxer or people here just crazy?

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Thx bud.
Just a bunch of guys from hell(CN server)


If only there was a BG environment that was competitive with another premade…hmmm too bad nothing like that exists in WoW…


/asking for a friend

How about giving us PUGs a heads-up on when your group-syncing adventures start and end (PST and EST, please)? That way, we can opt out of an uneven battle. You say you’re looking for a “tough epic bg,” but in reality, group syncing often ends up pitting you against a team of casual PUG players, not another organized group. By group syncing, you’re essentially undermining the spirit of fair competition that’s supposed to make these battlegrounds enjoyable for everyone.


There s another cn premade from horde. We use to against.

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I think Horde premades play at night during prime time.

So like 8 pm to 11 pm ET (5 pm to 8 pm PT).

I’m just guessing though. Maybe people in the Horde premades who like to face competition can give their actual times. Many of them prefer to roflstomp pugs for easy wins.

Edited: In this posts case: CST = China Standard Time (CST)

FieldArmy plays mostly in the ( 7AM - 11AM EST) (7PM-11PM CST)

for FieldArmy’s question:
Horde Premades start at about (7PM until 12AM EST) (7AM - 12PM CST)

Yeah, so they’re basically playing on opposite sides of the day. 12 hours apart.

thx byddy…

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Are these premades full for epic bgs? Can a returning scrublord at 437 gear get in on them? I am tired of getting crushed 80% of the time.

Hey there! Ever want to merc against some alliance premades? Prime time starts about 8pm cst. We could always use more competition.

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There’s no CN premade syncers from Horde that I know of during your game hours, but I occasionally join the 5 Horde from CN who pug during those hours, and that’s about it.

They do. We’ve been fighting for years

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CST might be a bit confusing in this thread.

Central Standard Time
China Standard Time

Oh wow! I did not know that there was a CST china standard time. My bad. Central standard time to be clear. Learned something new today! haha thanks

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Alliance only.

Surprised the multiboxing hasn’t gotten you banned yet.

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:man_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

As much as I hate people who premade epic BGs, he does not multi box. Anyone can watch his chars they are not played by the same person