Hi Fieldarmy here

I have been wondering about this. With the servers closing earlier this year, how do Chinese players even play with us now? Is this all done through VPNs?

This post is both silly and funny, consisting of more than 20 teams, logging into the voice channel to bully some normal single row players or 3-5 person teams. Saying there are no opponents is like laughing to death. This so-called field army has no social interaction with me at all on CN, and as for what he said about killing us on CN, it’s even more funny. As far as I know, there are some tribal players fighting against them. As for who stands at the advantage, it has nothing to do with us and we don’t care.

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We use a vpn specifically for games. But It’s not what you might think of as a vpn.

Xswl and Huamao are just two friends playing together. Our team, with only 2-4 people, is only fighting against foreign friends on the epic battlefield, with some losing and some winning. In CN, we don’t play the epic battlefield gameplay at all. It’s all a group of people going to play. This field army, like a group of insect repellents, imagines its opponents. We didn’t take these people seriously at all, and they didn’t even know who I was or what my server ID was in China. They just said they killed us in the game before. It’s so funny.

huh, looks like someone’s pretty excited.

Hey Xswl, I’m a big fan of you, one day I will kill you.

It’s kind of difficult to understand, but I think he/she means that they are only a small group, unrelated to Field Army, and doesn’t consider your larger community an opponent. So the Horde Chinese players in epics might only be made up of a few players?

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He will leave the bg right away when he was dying lmao.

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It would make sense, I often see only 3-4 of them running together, but I always assumed they were Q-Sync with more party. Might be a coincidence that other people also show up when they show up. Some healers and tanks, maybe a DK.

The dogs of the field army and the iron cavalry have been killed by me dozens of times, but I have never died without one. It seems that some people are very angry. Still emailing and cursing me in the game. I don’t know whose dog is responsible for it in these two families. LOL

cuz the cn epic horde s leaders were unable to recruit in us service because of language issues

I’m just happy we have even more players joining the EBG Community. Welcome CN.


Now they can just talking sh!t in the forum through the translator. This is them. lol

good luck,The only person I really play with is Huamao, and everyone else automatically follows us

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Morning NA players definitely recognize you guys now.


LOL the multiboxer!

I’ve always know that the average wow player didn’t know anything about multiboxer other than “multiboxing = bad”.

This is what the Field Army has been dealing with. There’s always horde players speculating about us wherever we are.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen people this united about reporting players on the other team before.

They’re not like this when they’re getting roflstomped by NA premade raids.

Or maybe it’s just the pugs who play in the early morning.

Could it be that our abilities are too “outstanding”?

This is how we’ve always played World of Warcraft. Year after year, the FA game’s operation seemed particularly strange.

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We’re not used to seeing naming convention other than Multiboxers who used the same letters.

Some of these players still suffer PTSD from old multiboxers.

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