Hi Fieldarmy here

Um… Yeah…

These guys definitely need to go against another premade raid, not pugs.

It’s like an army. Organized and everything.

We didn’t do very well tonight.

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forming queue sync premades and farming guys in green gear trying to get their honor dailies done is so wack that I can’t even imagine publicly confessing to it


What happened?

Took more than 30 seconds to kill all the horde.




It’s not fair that we have less than 15 men to kill 40 hordes

I realized something unusual was going on when everyone started getting moved around in my raid frames so all the groups were sorted by classes.

Group 1 - All druids.
Group 2 - Shamans and monks.
Group 3 - All priests.

It’s a little game I play to pass the time


Faced you guys twice tonight with SAS,
1- IOC (Horde)
2-AV (Alliance)

That AV game was a lot of fun, until horde pugs just wanted to do zerg instead of fight so they all went north. Either way, ya got the dub. GGz

Till next time


Thank you. We’ll keep adjusting. See you next time

Some of us were talking after the 4:00AM EST game with Field Army. That was one of the most enjoyable AV’s that we’ve had in a very long time. I look forward to seeing you on the battleground again.


Did you guys just come from another CN community on horde? Do you know who they are (Xswl, Pao, Huamao etc?) I have yet to know what their thing is called.
Also there is another CN community on alliance called Iron Blood Cavalry.

Please excuse me for my silly question but I’m genuinely curious as to how you guys communicate in games - is it all done in English or is it translated via Google translator thing, something like that? Coming from a Korean player, I’m always intrigued by how folks from all walks of life communicate with one other for games. One time, I joined a full BR (brazilian) rbg and had to use Google translator to talk/understand them…heh.

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The horde players you mention, they are trash in cn server. Our community against their community has been suppressed by us for years in Cn server. In epic bg they encounter us either trying to avoid combat or trying to bully the alliance pug. These people has no bounds, and there aren’t many of them now(due to cn server close). If their numbers grow, they even use bugs to win epic bg.

Iron Blood Cavalry is our Allies in the alliance(cn server). They have a long history of epic bg at cn server. At least ten years, I guess.

We work so well together and all it takes is a look.(Once eye blink we know what to do except DH)


Yeah they have AFKed out on us couple times. Huamao has so much pride in himself that he refuses to be killed that he would just AFK out leaving some of his own members in the game. One time, Huamao was about to die with 5 secs left before the game ended so he insta afked out anyway.

Not sure if you missed my last question about how to communicate with other non CN players? I’d love to know (:

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Typing English. Care about their lives and communicate with them

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Thank you!

I was in a game with Fieldarmy this morning, really fun playing with you.

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lol mystery cow in everywhere. :sweat_smile:

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