Hi Fieldarmy here

Once again another dumb post from you. I am on an NA server. My own time zone in fact. So yes, I can be “ America centric” as you call it. Any other morsels of knowledge you want to drop on me before I begin my day of meetings and your stupidity gets grouped with the rest of work you want to share?

But anyone can play on any server, just because it is located in America doesn’t mean that the players have to be.

Ya there isn’t anything special. In fact it actually took them awhile to win. I’ve seen horde pugs look more coordinated actually.

Ok that’s not the point all star. They on my time zone server. Hence why are they on so early. Try and keep up

But they aren’t on early, they are on late.

Wait who are Rangers? Never heard of them

Idk much about them other then they do appear sometimes but they’ll post a link to their community asking ppl to join for fun pvp. You usually win when they are on your team as well .

Chip n Dale?

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Rangers and Field Army are two communities based out of China. They’re done playing around noon EST, so most NA players don’t run into them very often. They’re fun to play with. Rangers doesn’t communicate in BG chat any further than announcing their community at the beginning of a BG. Field Army uses some English macros to communicate in chat. Oceanic players do play with them often, though.


I’ve played with Fieldarmy a few times (I only queue solo) and I’ve enjoyed playing alongside them because I see an enemy premade and its premade vs premade.

I don’t think I’ve been in one with them they haven’t lost so I see why some NA premade communities’s jimmy’s are rustled by them

Ty for the fun fight tonight!


the funny owl people hurt so much

see you guys next sunday :slight_smile:


Such a great attitude Alliance have with the current state of pvp.

“Can’t win as Horde? Reroll Alliance to win. Easy!” :roll_eyes:

Then they have to merc mode into other Alliance as fake Horde when looking for a challenge or shorter queues.

Easy fix, cross faction BGs solves the premades dominating one side (more relevant in epics) and only having premades face each other.

If your Q with a full 5 man premade, your going to be facing a 5 man premade each game. If that makes your queue’s longer then cause and effect.

We know the premaders will QQ and complain about it, which is a given.

do not target the honest 5 mans, crossfaction kneecaps the problematic >6 mans

also if u ever shuffle on my body again i will unleash my true power


im sorry me queuing solo into pugs wanting to face other pugs offend you.

Also you took that shuffle spam like a champ so kudos to you. Ive done it to others on this forum and they get saaaallltyy.

im all for any sort of expression in bgs even if it means someone flags me (ur off my myspace page if u do that)

and i think its funny