Hi Fieldarmy here

Get rekked

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Anyone else keep checking the thread to see if they start arguing again?

<Guuuillllttty :sweat_smile: :innocent:


I was checking to see if there was an answer yet to a… particular question.


I’d tend to agree, so consider mercing to play vs some of the alliance communities/min-maxer groups that also play.

I’m waiting to see the 404

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GG in AVs Field Army. Your pugs players that game seemed kind of weak.


Always makes me wonder why servers are not IP locked to the country origination, so much non-eng in this thread despite forum rules

GG in AV !

Was a fun one.


They want end av soon. lol GG

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Right, those AVs take a long time and pugs don’t have the patience.

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We’ll do it again sometime. See you next time

  1. VPNs.
  2. China lost access to all Blizzard games. They don’t have WoW servers anymore.

10-10 for this thread .

Highly appreciate that some of the insults were thrown down in English so that I could understand .

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reading the translations, its like its 2008 and im playing halo3 again.


Blizzard mostly says not allowed

Then block their IP for that area from connecting

Mostly correct, trials technically can.

Depends on definition, as defined by Blizzard correct.

Weird to only mention one part of chat rules, there’s a lot of stuff you can’t say in public chat.

It is allowed, what isn’t allowed… use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way.

Blizz not so good at rule enforcement

Are you one?

(Also it appears my game time expired lmao, not at home atm but it will let me edit post not post now.)

Account sharing is not allowed.

Cheating and exploiting is not allowed.

ERPing is not allowed.

Multiboxing is not allowed.

But people still do all that anyway! /carebear

ERP isnt allowed?

:face_with_peeking_eye: id um, better tell my uh friend to stop doing that stuff then

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This video game is for kids only!

Someone better tell Qimmy and Ms. Tremblade…


Field army? As in, the Alliance guild Alliance Field Army? I know this is the battlegrounds forums but these are the same guys who got 2v10’d in WPvP against me and Soullscape haha.