For real?
Another lvl60 toon lol
You ma gonna dry.
For real?
Another lvl60 toon lol
You ma gonna dry.
You ma: FasterFaster! Just like how my wild son Xswl typing.
No balls Xswl gonna bone with his mm.
Sad story
Bad ending
in the past we have had many multi boxers who use the same names with very slight differences that’s why. So they are assuming you all are just one person playing and i admit i did at first too
this thread had me going through the full spectrum of feels.
i laughed.
i cried.
i laughed some more. thank you.
My favourite is “you ma gonna dry”, I pissed myself laughing
I’m lost who is leading fathers and whats going on with the sister and the mother…and something about beer …yeah time for popcorn this is pretty unique
I think it’s safe to say that they have gone to…bed now
Now you see these horde guys we agianst are extreme. Stay away from them.
Got some proper lessons on mouth crapping today!
Fell off a bit towards the end but the amount of this thread that was typed in english is very much appreciated.
Truly a shame that both of the Cn premades seem to be alliance side… any chance of a horde side one appearing?
This individual deserves credit for delivering precisely what we expected: inciting a CN vs. CN showdown. It’s rather amusing to witness FieldArmy going up against X and H for no apparent reason. /smh
And her audacious claim that Huamao leads a Horde CN community is truly something! Just because your premade got defeated by a small group of players doesn’t mean they lead a massive community. To clarify, Huamao presides over a Horde CN community of just two members. Bravo, Gwiyomi, bravo.
Judging from the current situation. It will only be harder for horde in epic bg.
Welcome mainland Taiwan friends!
Like WTF are you just trolling at this point??? LMAO
least insane paladin player.
I understand that there may be a language barrier, but how does a request for information become a claim?
I feel like they may be a NA ally or horde who doesnt like BSG lol!!!
I’m reporting you all to Xin Jinping btw.
Enjoy your perma irl ban.
ah almost got us in that IOC, close one.