Hi Fieldarmy here

I used google translate for those big ones :o lot’s of bad words :stuck_out_tongue:

Pass me a beer bro.


Whopoyas what time is it over there now if you don’t mind telling me?

Another banned?

Almost morning bud.

让冷静点吧伙计,你看起来有点生气 :blush:


He s mad asf.

Always be led by me.

Come on man. We are waiting too long!

你们的英语?你个狗东西,卖国求荣,摇尾乞怜,玩个美服,还玩出来优越感了。装什么老外,母语都不认了。我怎么有你这种不要脸的狗儿子。再好好看看,能不能看懂你爹这优美的中国文字。。一群废物,以为加入了什么高端团体。就是一群小丑,玩个魔兽像玩二十年前的传奇一样,还争霸沙巴克是吧。叱诧风云,雄霸天下? ,愚昧无知,愚不可及,滑天下之大稽。

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Fresh meat!

new copy pasta just dropped holy.

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He say he is not mad at all. lol
What a clown.

嘻嘻,你不需要知道,只要知道,这些都是形容这群狗东西的 就可以了。

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hey clown.
Wheres your Cayenne?

Is pleurotus eryngii tasty?


Change alt to feel happy.


and you do looks like a clown

Hi there, sorry to interrupt this fine conversation.

I was just wondering if there was an update to this question, my um, friend wants to know.

Kind regards,

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Some guy with no balls said two hours ago he was going to take a break.

And now all i can see is a crazy mf typing Mandarin on an English forum

休息完干完你妈 肯定要继续教训教训儿子了 你爹还有几个角色 还能再照顾你一会。

This is also a student who is going to study abroad. Oh, my God. I can’t imagine someone like that coming to N A.

Non balls guy even studied music.

My sister,you mom. She s yelling about o ye o ye huamao more more. :laughing:

another toon?

打字快点 傻逼