Hi Fieldarmy here

Somebody get banned

and change the alt keep saying he love me. :yum:

I guess I m really attractive.

Ten outta ten thread.


Went from mouth crapping to ball biting and then cutting junk off!!! Yall sure know how to get down…and up.


Ye? Take your pop corn!

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Now I want EU communities to come over here too with their drama!

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See?All you have to do is kick it.

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我翻译你妈了个比,老子就来骂你个蠢狗的。还用英文 显得自己多高端一样。优美的中国话,只能用优美的中文去说明。那个号回复到上限了。换个骚比号来骂你这个蠢狗。野战狗东西,我宰了不知道多少只了,还在这里狺狺狂吠。叫你们公会社区 集体来跟老子对线。骂不死你们这群臭傻逼。不知道怎么来的,就去中国论坛发帖。看你爹 不把你们这群傻逼全部喷封号。

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I need to learn Chinese.

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Don’t we all.

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I like how the NA gang is for once united in watching the show


He got mad asf lol :innocent:

What I‘ve done.

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Like that Pandaria cinematic…

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I’m not done chasing Xswl… one day he will die at my hand.

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Guys! Learn!

Talkng Sh!t by english is way too weak!

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No more?

Where my lil sh!t?

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sleepy time :stuck_out_tongue: they’ll be back tomorrow morning for more fun!

So same time and place tomorrow? The saga must continue! Not bad for a Monday.


Not sure. Base on my little sh!t ‘s account got banned or not.

Here we go guys.

He even translate ours english.

Somebody just really really mad.

He was imagining that his mother, my sister, was doing the indescribable.

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