Hey Sigma!

Yet you can’t stop yourself from responding. Interesting.

This is a feedback forum.

Responding to the topic. yes.
I dont care about you personally.
Despite your attempts to make it seem so.

Its for class discussion, among peers.
Says right there on the main page, “For all your class discussion needs”.

The feedback forums, which are literally called “feedback: druid class changes” can be found in the “in development” tab.

Right here…

Actually, you’ve made it personal a few times. You should think about that.

Where we are discussing what the class needs.

Yes. To eachother.

Now you get it.

Devs don’t read it.

You’re wrong about that. Feedback is collected by Community Managers from all the forums as well as other sources. It is packaged and forwarded to the development team. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear the development team is reviewing any of the Guardian feedback, regardless of the source.


That’s a very long way of saying…

Thanks for proving my point.

You are misunderstanding. Feedback from all the forums is collected. You are giving the impression that feedback does not belong in this forum. And that is not true. Feedback on other specs has been pulled from these class forums and the developers have read it. It’s Guardians in general that are being ignored. It’s not because the feedback is in the Druid forum.


Footage of all that feedback being collected.

I mean…Can you imagine it?!

Some game developer it busy working and some intern drops this trash on his desk.

What a joke!

Heh heh. Certainly seems like that’s what’s happening with Guardian feedback regardless of where it’s posted. Even Feral got some attention the other day.


Not on Guardians, he isn’t.

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He’s probably too busy lookin at this thread.

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Some disgusting xmog in those threads

It’s not disgusting.

“iTs fEeDbAcK”

Ha ha! Could be.