Hey Sigma!

Except that it’s already fallen.

Guardians had big problems in BfA Alpha; Devs did nothing about it
Guardians had big problems in BfA Beta; Devs did nothing about it
Guardians had big problems at BfA Launch; Devs did nothing about it
Guardians had big problems through every BfA patch; Devs did nothing about it
Guardians had big problems in SL Alpha; Devs made them even worse

I stuck with the spec through it all. Devs have ignored it for years.

The sky has already fallen.


So join Tewa and go play something else then.
Perhaps stick to your rogue.
Save me the theatrics.

What rogue are you talking about? I Haven’t played rogue seriously in years (although I did level him up to 110 last expansion but didn’t play him much).

I’m gearing up a prot pally with the expectation that Guardians won’t be fixed.

But until then, I’m still going to fiercely advocate for Bears.

You are welcome to ignore my posts. You are choosing to respond to every single one. Think about that.

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Raider io has you linked to a rogue. (I did have my doubts though)
If thats not you then you need not worry, there are lots of other specs to choose from.

By suggesting that blizzard just deleted the spec? LMAO
I dont think you know what advocate means, bud.

Thats not whats happening here, nor is it even the correct forum to do so.
Your ideas and “speculations” are pure garbage and not at all constructive to the class. If you come up with actual ideas that dont involve reverting the class back a decade or deleting it outright, then im all ears. However, as I mentioned above, you should try using the correct forum.


Really think Resto is being made into a M+ god for the sake of Esports.

Can’t beat em join em I guess. Only way I’ll get to feral next xpac is to Resto and cat weave.

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Once again, you have misunderstood. I am not suggesting that is what they should do. I’m saying that is what they might do. If you wish, you can find a pretty extensive post in the Give Your Feedback thread for what I think Blizz should do:

But at this point in the development cycle, and after years of ignored feedback, I have no confidence that any of these issues will be fixed.
You can also read through the “Guardian is … just a boring spec” thread. I’ve got a few posts about Bear issues in there too.

Yet Blizz continues to ignore all this feedback. Yes, a some of it is dramatic, but that doesn’t make the issues presented invalid. Bears are frustrated. They should be frustrated. I don’t see how anybody can defend the indefensible.

Armory stalking? Really? Well, that’s ok I guess. So I suppose you found a Rogue doing really high level M+ content, huh? He was also in the MDI a few times this year. Yeah… that’s not me. Same B-net though, but not me.

You have the memory of a gold fish.

Yes that’s abundantly clear.
Hence my original doubt. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.


This is the forum for feedback.
It’s not in the Druid forum.
Nothing in the Druid forum gets looked at. It’s just a place for druids to talk to other druids. Your “suggestions” might as be addressed to the North Pole.

Who’s defending?
You’re having an argument in your head about things nobody said.

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Again, I’m not saying this is a good solution. It’s something thay might be planning. I was simply showing a way in which it might be possible. I’d rather they actually address the issues we’ve presented by adding or modifying abilities.

I don’t understand why you’re trying to make this a personal thing. If you don’t like what I have to say, just ignore it and move on.

Actually, you’re wrong. This forum is for all sorts of discussions about Druids, including discussions about what is good and bad about the class and what might improve the spec. In fact, an MVP specifically created a thread here to collect even more feedback. I posted in it. You’re welcome to read it. Also, how’s all the Guardian feedback in the thread you linked working out for us? About exactly the same as the feedback in the Druid forums.

People have been defending the spec by saying “it’s viable”, or “look there’s a couple of Bears doing high keys,” or “look there’s a whole meme raid of all Bears.” And people have been defending the dev team by saying “it’s only Alpha” or “it’s only Beta” or “there’s still time to fix it” or “Legendaries will fix it” or “Covenants will fix it.”

Let me be very clear here, I want them to fix the myriad of persisting issues that many Guardians have presented over the last few years. Add a ranged silence, add an AoE cc, allow casting in form, etc. I don’t think that re-merging the specs is necessarily the right approach. But it might be their long term plan. We just don’t know, because they don’t communicate. If it is what they are planning, I hope it’s a kickass plan and it comes out awesome. If not (and I’d prefer not), I hope they just fix the spec the right way.

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It’s asinine.
Pure hyperbole and not at all constructive or useful.

Im not.
Believe me when I say this.
I dont care about you one bit.
Looking up your io is a simple way to better understand who I am dealing with.

Just as you have every right to voice your ridiculous opinions, I have every right to reject them.

Welcome to the internet.

Oh, iv read it.
More garbage to add to the heaping pile.
There isnt anything in that entire thread that hasnt already been covered in the feedback forums.
Your contribution is equal to this…

Nobody is talking about this except you.

Yet you can’t stop yourself from responding. Interesting.

This is a feedback forum.

Responding to the topic. yes.
I dont care about you personally.
Despite your attempts to make it seem so.

Its for class discussion, among peers.
Says right there on the main page, “For all your class discussion needs”.

The feedback forums, which are literally called “feedback: druid class changes” can be found in the “in development” tab.

Right here…

Actually, you’ve made it personal a few times. You should think about that.

Where we are discussing what the class needs.

Yes. To eachother.

Now you get it.

Devs don’t read it.

You’re wrong about that. Feedback is collected by Community Managers from all the forums as well as other sources. It is packaged and forwarded to the development team. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear the development team is reviewing any of the Guardian feedback, regardless of the source.


That’s a very long way of saying…

Thanks for proving my point.

You are misunderstanding. Feedback from all the forums is collected. You are giving the impression that feedback does not belong in this forum. And that is not true. Feedback on other specs has been pulled from these class forums and the developers have read it. It’s Guardians in general that are being ignored. It’s not because the feedback is in the Druid forum.


Footage of all that feedback being collected.

I mean…Can you imagine it?!

Some game developer it busy working and some intern drops this trash on his desk.

What a joke!

Heh heh. Certainly seems like that’s what’s happening with Guardian feedback regardless of where it’s posted. Even Feral got some attention the other day.


Not on Guardians, he isn’t.

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He’s probably too busy lookin at this thread.

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