Hey, men? I know you're scared

  1. its not dead
  2. i’m not gonna stop posting for social change just because you’re whining about it.


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Oh, phew, thank goodness I treat Women like people so I don’t have to worry about this.


I’ve been watching this thread unfold. So many yikes takes. Also so much :popcorn:


Look at my posts in this thread, oh brilliant one.

The most yikes takes I’ve heard are from people claiming to be assault survivors yet calling for not less, but MORE money to be funneled to Blizzard where it will inevitably go 90% to the pigs doing the assault and 10% to the women victims, who by the way, should use their resume at AAA company blizzard to go somewhere that won’t assault them.

Some people are REALLY dedicated to their act, too, it’s pretty sickening.

Why hasn’t this thread been flagged into the ground? The OP was clearly gaslighting and being offensive shrug

Posting for social change is fine as long as that’s what is actually being requested. The OP is not, the OP is literally calling every male a misandrist that has done something similar to sexual harassment or something. Gaslighting and starting flames =/= anything good.

Some of the men in this company clearly have committed crimes but it is not the court of opinions job to mete out justice. Instead I will leave it to the courts and DFEH to do their jobs and review everything after it shakes out like a normal human should.


The mods seem to agree with this garbage agenda that really seems like a bad decision given recent news.

Someone even made a post to parody it but mirrored for the other gender and got taken down.

The mods are garbage, they always have been garbage and I will be shocked if they actually do their job for once and remove this.


Luup, youre human trash. Youre really gonna sit there and act like women dont sexually harass, offend or make comments about other women and men? GTFO and I hope you step on a lego


Ouch! OP’s post makes me feel nervous being a guy and having female Night Elf and Draenei characters. Good thing I believe that if you wear plate armor it does little good to have skin exposed lol.

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Blizzard are the Clintons of the gaming industry. Spends all this time virtue signaling then goes and fondles women. Modern Democrats.


How many threads you going to post this in red hat guy?

This is 2… can we hit 10?

Those are rookie numbers.

I imagine as you felt proud of yourself writing this obvious virtue signaling post that you probably had a mask on alone in your parents basement


I am sorry, never attended Edgelord College like you. I actually got a degree that helped me land a career.

How many time do you need to post it to pass?

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Don’t care. GFY OP.


Someone’s feelings are hurt. Your degree didn’t help you keep your composure against random people on the internet. Poor emotion constitution I guess.

Always deeply respected women, so much so, that whenever my coworkers would make any kind of sexist jokes, I try my best to ignore it and get on with whatever my job may be. Sorry if I don’t fit your agenda of all men being the same, they aren’t.

You answered yourself…

Makes sense I get your feelings are hurt.

Honest to Bob, you can’t even reply properly and you think you should be the voice of reason? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Seriously. find a new hobby. You are failing at Edgelord.

Your previous relies were more witty, you appear to be running out of steam. You’ve falling back to the preschool retort of “I am rubber, you are glue” parallel. Have you stopped trying?

Good generalization very sexist of you