dude should probably google the term “gigolo” and understand that it isn’t just women/men doing it just for men. there are males in that field as well, for men AND women. in that context, and every other.
You say all this nonsense without looking at the trash you are.
I’m perfect, and my mother agrees.
Is your last name by chance Bates?
I bet you’re fat with blue hair.
How long something has been investigated means absolutely nothing. Especially when it involves someone seeking money. If anything the fact its taken so long to build up a case could be seen as the the alleged behavior not being as common as they make it out to be.
My fiance had to testify in court and was accused of firing two employees because of their race at work. The lawsuit and investigation has been going on for 15 months. They claim she fired 2 women for being black. They were fired for stealing thousands and thousands of dollars in clothes. My fiance had video that clearly shows their faces and them stealing the clothes. She showed it to authorities day one. Yet her company is still under investigation and fighting it in court.
The only thing I’m scared of is getting an ungrateful girlfriend like you. While I do agree that Blizzard is a company of crappy people, it’s the reason I unsubscribed last night, the attitude you’re taking is what’s making you just as crappy as the Blizzard employees.
There’s a reason why marriage is down. There’s a reason why birth rates are down. The women I know, I don’t make advances or compliments until I know what kind of person they are. And when I do, it’s always an SFW comment such as “your hair is nice today, Carol.” or “That’s a lovely blouse you’re wearing, Jessica.”
You’re showing your colors of “How dare you compliment my shoes! You’re pushing your foot fetish and sexist ideas upon me! I’m suing for sexual harassment!” There’s a reason not only are you a dead-egger, but you’ll be 35+ living in a single apartment with 5+ cats.
So? My argument still stands regardless of who’s paying. In this particular case, we are talking about men and women, not lesbians.
I hire escorts myself. Why lose even more in the long run with a GF stealing my crap, sending me to jail for stuff I didn’t do, or even worse: I get married, lose half to all of my belongings, half my paychecks for the rest of my life, pay child support for children that may not even be mine, and lose half my retirement/pension and stocks?
I’ll stick with the escorts.
It’s your life, do what you want. In my case, I’m happy with my boyfriend and not having to pay anyone for something like that which I’d personally never do.
I’m happy for you, Bunny. I really am, I’m not trying to sound jerkish or rude or anything. MGTOW FTW.
There’s no semblance of intelligence with 3rd & 4th wave feminists & feminazis, men are just even regardless.
I don’t even know where to begin with that bloviating, pontificating, word salad diatribe.
While I respect your opinion, and acknowledge there are problems in society, I take umbrage with some of your comments, and the manner in which you express them.
This is the main part I’m with, and think this should be rung through the entire industry
Twitter style bait?
Imagine having your head so far up your bum, you make this thread.
I disagree and been pretty vocal about the accusation (against them) but your post is a toxic mess, way to be a sexist piece of dirt grouping all men
If a man made this thread and flipped it around to women you’d be crying a damn gallon
Think before you make a thread.
Ah now your thread is dead so come to a more popular one to troll in as well. GG
Thankfully we still have a Constitution that requires that folks don’t get to be judge and jury.