Pretty much. I realize that arguing with a trash bag will give me no real answers.
So at this point, throw in the towel and reacting like you seems about right?
Do you have matching red socks for your hat? I am just wondering how you coordinate your wardrobe around it? I have a Jeffree Star palette that is all red tones, might really help your eyes pop!
Kindly… go jump in a lake… I’d say something stronger, but it’d get me banned. How dare you. The vast majority of us do nothing like this and instead work to support everyone around us. Take your generalizations and shove them… I’ll let you finish that.
I agree with everything you said except this. People are allowed to compliment other people.
If I compliment someone and they say “Thanks but don’t say that stuff to me” then obviously I wouldn’t ever again but I’m not going to become a robot around other people just because some men like to sexually harass women.
Also women can and do harass men so to generalize men in this way is just insane.
How about you ask a woman beforehand “hey, are you ok with compliments at work?” And wait for her answer instead of giving her your unsolicited opinion about her.
Believe it or not, attractive women know they are attractive, and they get lots of compliments and it becomes tiring feeling like you need to respond with enthusiasm and gratitude to each and everyone of them.
Women are not just sitting at their desk thinking “gosh, I sure hope brian in accounting comes by and tells me he thinks my hair looks nice today.”
I’m not going to give a compliment to a woman I don’t already have a prior friendship or relationship with. I’m not going up to strangers telling them I think they’re hot.
Believe or not that’s not always the case and some people like being complimented. I know I sure do. You really need to stop generalizing.
Also are you stating that only “attractive women” get complimented? What even determines what makes a woman attractive?
Is sexual harassment bad? Yes. Am I allowed to compliment my friend who is a woman at work? Yes. Is she allowed to compliment me? Yes.
Normal functioning adults understand boundaries and are perfectly capable of talking to each other without constantly needing to ask permission to say anything.
Thanks to Longwriter, I learned that Furor has something of a “bad boy” past regarding EQ. I think we could have called it all the way back when Vanilla was retail that he didn’t seem the kind of guy that likes to play by the rules. And Blizzard had him on the team for over 17 years?