Hey, men? I know you're scared

Weird pov. Me2 already happened, a while ago. Those that needed catching, were caught. That panic or paranoia I think you are referring to, it’s been done a while. Sure something always hits the news once in a while but in general most of it today is fish that get tossed back, crumbs and leftovers.

But hopefully news like this will make for better working environments, fear of lawsuits can be productive.

I wonder why this post hasn’t been flagged…

Did you seriously just yell at me for speaking in generalities?! Did YOU just assume you knew my whole entire personality by one response?

…lordie, don’t point fingers unless you’re lookin in the mirror, bud!

it’s been flagged 987593487593485 times. blizz just keeps reinstating it. only they know why.

edit: pre-edit it was even more misandrist if you can believe it.


it’s a meme for younger anti-woke people. dude was probably trolling. lol

Lordie, I just got on and first thing thrown in my face. Lol

Speak for yourself. I go to work get my crap done and leave. I ain’t worried about nothing. Men is a broad generalization, it’s not men, its some people.

I despise men who objectify women to awful things. I despise men who bully other men. But if you think there aren’t isolated incidents where the roles are reversed, I think you’re blind or new to the workspace.

Those who commited these acts at Blizzard should be reprimanded and punished to the fullest extent of the law. But everyone should also have their day in court.

Nobody should be discriminated against, it’s the saddest part of history, and the greatest flaw in human evolution. Equality for all, that’s a basic human right.

To the victims of these accusations I pray you find comfort and peace after all you’ve endured. Stay strong.


here we go, lets further the ALL MEN statement and make ALL MEN the evil spawn of the world…Get help!

I ain’t scared, it’s called being a decent human being.

Personally, I just prefer being everyones friend :smiley:

Fear (of the law) is a terrible motivator for change; rather, fear tends to encourages lip service and a cult of appearances (e.g.: hypocritical posturing, etc.). Real change comes from the heart, which requires a change of heart that cannot be forced by external powers.

I wonder how long it’ll take ppl to realize this?

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It has been, it was flagged yesterday but apparently the moderators removed it. I guess they considering mass generalizations and trolling to be a productive discussion. Well at least when it is aimed at men.


Are you surprised?

It’s no different than the Ts at this point. If they remove them you will have the trolls crying out they are being silenced. It’s a no win.


Not really, they have always been very wishy-washy with forum moderation.

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the OP is claiming to be a woman. blizz knows if they are, or aren’t. if they are and they delete it in a time when blizz is going through this crap storm think of how that looks. if they actually aren’t a woman but also don’t throw OP under the bus about being male and a troll and delete it, it looks the same way. there is really no winning here. especially since everyone it out with pitchforks atm.

I don’t care if the OP is freaking German Shepard. The content of their post is the problem and the fact Blizzard allows it to continue shows just how afraid they are. There is nothing wrong with allowing an honest conversation to continue but no one can actually think that was what the OP was trying to do.


i am 100% against the op and have said so the entire thread. you also know at this point what has been going on behind closed doors and that they have been trying to manipulate our perception. some guy taunted me about R and it triggering me earlier in the thread and the only thing that happened is they took the R word out of dudes post. essentially the forum is a free for all for everyone right now. still, i’m doing my best to not go full wild west here and just try to make my points without being a complete butt fedora. ymmv.

Nope not me. I have not done anything that resembles the legal definition of sexual harassment. Which is the only definition that I am concern with. Not your definition and definitely not societies definition. :man_shrugging:t4::joy::mexico:

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well personally yeah, on a personal and group inter-personal level yeah, it’s stupid awful

but at the corporate level, it can be a very necessary thing to get them to move on crap that should truly be moved on, and after a few iterations they get more right than wrong

Right? they pay rent by eating the little bugs!

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Well, you just alienated all the lesbians who do the same thing in select bars and clubs, not to mention dis’ing RuPaul’s drag queen shows.