I don’t think you know what misogyny means.
Me pointing out what I did doesn’t mean I have contempt for women.
I don’t think you know what misogyny means.
Me pointing out what I did doesn’t mean I have contempt for women.
you thinking that is misogyny. the fact you’re trying to correct me on a word that you obviously don’t understand is hilarious though.
if i made some anti-male comment about female superiority it would be misandry as well. and i’d also get flagged to heck for it too.
With everything going on at Blizzard right now, taking down this thread would probably not be in their best interest.
Is anyone else confused about this conversation’s goal, or…?
It’s not though lol. Men built the world you live in.
I’m not saying women had no part but it simply does not compare to what men have done. Atleast in my opinion.
The mods are automated
you didn’t. there’s lots that women have done, including giving you all life and raising some of you to be good men that have allowed you to be doing any of the things you’ve been doing. also while the man is the head of the household the woman is the neck. remember that.
This isn’t about me. You’re projecting once again.
no, you are chest thumping about how much men have done because men are in your brain so much better. if that’s the case why date or worry about women at all? why not just date amongst yourselves and adopt children if you want them?
do you tell prospective female mates how little respect you have for women’s accomplishments and how superior you think the things that men who aren’t you have done?
Aight yeah you’re definitely trolling.
I don’t have “little respect” for women accomplishments. I’m simply saying they don’t stack up to what men have done. IMO
Yes, I’ve talked about this with other women. And a good portion of them agree with me. They’re all married. Most of my single women friends disagree. Go figure lmaoooo
I like pineapple on pizza.
Fight me.
Reported. You disgust me
I can’t, as I love pineapple on pizza as well!
I also put parmesan on salads.
You need to try harder: put pineapple on your salads.
Damn it, did someone clone me while I was sleeping!
no, bisexuality exists. most animals are. the reason that a lot of women are and men aren’t are because of a lack of respect for women. think about the differences in how men and women experience a certain act. that certain men wouldn’t “lower” themselves to experiencing things the way women do. that is also misogyny. there have been studies that show that the men that scream the loudest about how anti-gay they are are the ones who are most turned on by the things they claim to hate. it’s called internalized homophobia. most things are not 100% one way or the other.
you’re also trying to pretend that women have had the same ability to do certain things since the beginning of existence. look up when women could even vote or own property in the US. or how long we were sold into marriage for cattle because men valued us so little that we were only pawns to further some mans agenda. look into how much we have done in the little bit of time since men have stopped hating us to allow us to do things. compare that time frame vs the same time frame for men.
the reason women haven’t accomplished as much since the beginning of time is, you guessed it, misogyny. mind. blown.
edit: i’m also very happily married. so.
oooo that’s a great idea!
I’m still here
This is why the pickup line I used in college was: “Hey. Wanna grab a cup of coffee? Worst case scenario, at the end? Ya hate me, but you got free coffee.” Worked most of the time.