You’re a good guy though. You’ve seen how a lot act on this forum. They won’t find a partner irl either given how they seem to hate women. It’s not even a huge number though honestly. Just a loud bunch of weird dudes.
Shame I’m not allowed to respond to this arrogant garbage in the way it deserves to be.
You word it addressed to all men, then hide behind “no, not ALL men!” Like a coward when called on it.
Implying all men are just primitive sex fiends is kinda gross. I doubt if any men implied such a thing for women that this thread would have lasted more than a few hours.
The not all men was them trolling me. The op very directly stated it was ALL men. And I spent all of yesterday in this thread defending good men.
Just checking bc I suspect that the only thing this thread goes to prove is just how one-side the conversation really is, and how practically any response from a man can be misconstrued as “Misogyny.”
The guy who said men are superior to women in every way is the point where I stopped just defending men and started to respond for both sides. That is sexist misogyny and he and others like him lack any sort of self awareness. It’s just “wimmen bad.”
There are totally ways to flirt without being a gross loser. Maybe talk, and gauge reactions, like are they super interested in your boring story about boiled white rice vs steamed. If yes, maybe ask them on a date, or, the smart thing, a group gathering. If I was unable to flirt with people (mutually) at work, I would have gone crazy working at Macy’s in my 20s.
Yep. You have to read body language. Not everyone you’re attracted to is also attracted back. Applies to everyone. Gauge interest, then go from there. Don’t just start at 100 when you have no clue if there’s interest.
Gotta get whatever they can on their side now that Blizzard has been outed as full of hypocrites.
Funny enough, no. I love spiders, they are so interesting. I did kill roaches, though (when they are in the house. If they are in the streets, I don’t kill them).
You seem like the kind of person that runs around saying #allmen but then stays quiet when the abuser has a -D beside their name.
Jokes on you, we all live in our mom’s basements and don’t have jobs…
Why is this dreck still up? I imagine it was flagged yet restored by the mods.
Multiple times lol.
I think they are refraining from 404ing threads this week or something.
Surprised this sexist post is still live and well.
Imagine if someone made a post titled
“Hey ladies, we know you’re scared”
Instantly reported into oblivion. Mods, can we be a little more consistent?
The moderators are bad at their job and very clearly politically motivated with past actions, so it makes sense.
Wouldn’t surprise me if they applied for the job off Twitter.
Yup, just made the post, and instantly reported. I love how it’s not sexist to single out all men as OPs post, but when I do the same in the parody post it’s seen as intolerable.
There’s sexist, and then there’s “Sexist.” Far too often, the word (like “Right wing”, “Alt right”, etc., etc.) is used as little more than a misplaced label to invoke the ire of others, and to unfairly discredit arguments - a fallacy, essentially. Take, for instance, how my comments concerning gentlemen and ladies - good men and good women - were so wonderfully misconstrued by ppl like yourself. Is it wrong to say that gentlemen deserve ladies (the implication being vice versa)? In general, isn’t this just common sense - that like should be w like, or has everyone just gone absolutely ape?
You, and others like you, immediately jumped to the conclusion that to say someone deserves x thing, that like (quite naturally) belongs w like, was the same as saying they were owed x thing, and should expect x thing. Your understanding of the nuances of the English language leaves much to be desired. The contrary and rather damning implication of your assessment was also conveniently ignored: the rather audacious position that any and all women, perchance automatically, deserved to be w a gentleman, a good man, by no effort of her own, but just bc they happened to be a woman. This attitude of entitlement is quite prevalent. If you want a gentleman, then earn a gentleman (and vice versa). Nothing comes from nothing, and w no effort. I really don’t think what I’m saying is all that controversial. It’s just common sense.
Note: I’m not saying that men should not be gentlemen. If you are one, then be one - and not just sometimes, and w some women, but all the time. I’m not sure where that idiotic interpretation is coming from that says being a gentleman is optional, or for “Special occasions.” Ppl’s twisted logic seems to know no limits. That being said, just bc someone’s a gentleman doesn’t mean he’s somehow compelled to enter into a clearly unfruitful, and likely unharmonious, relationship w a woman of inferior character. That’s not being a gentleman, that’s being a spineless doormat who lacks any standards.
We talk so glibly about “Give and take”, and - yet - look at our expectations: the man shall work at self-improving, building up a strong moral fiber and impeccable character - but the woman may be however slovenly? The pressure for improvement lies largely w the men, for some reason - as if women couldn’t stand to improve as well! Is that “Give and take?” What sort of relationship will this be? Certainly not a harmonious one when culture collides w barbarism!
So, women are allowed (and even encouraged) to have standards, but men are not allowed to have standards (and esp. standards of character)? We ought to be so incredibly grateful for even a single glance from any woman, that we go about like hopeless, desperate “Simps” for even the worst of women? We should let ourselves be used and exploited? What a great “Relationship” that will be. I’ll pass.
I don’t need countless lectures by self-assumed forum pundits about how “Relationships are a give and take”, etc., etc. I’m quite aware of that. IMO, that give and take starts w self-improvement before any relationship has even occurred. I don’t think it’s unfair to declare that men of good character deserve, and should seek out, women of equally good character. It’s about keeping in your milieu, and that helps to afford harmony in a relationship - a word I’m sure that most ppl no longer understand, given the way they behave in public spheres.
Well I hope to see you back around on the forums in a couple days after the moderation team gets to you.
TLDR. The issue is good women are now marrying each other because not so good men push them to it. If you want a partner be the type of person you need to be to get one. No one deserves a relationship because they think they do. Also a lot of women are now very liberal because conservatives try to police their bodies and feel forced into it. If that wasn’t the case, women who are actually moderate wouldn’t be ridin with Biden. If men would stop trying to control women they’d have more options for dating and marriage. Don’t like the lack of “good” options then be a better option, yourself.
I have zero plans of changing my behavior. Not even close to scared. I can’t stand entitled, narcissistic women. Period. This isn’t going to change. Period.
Deal with it.