The problem is this topic does nothing to actually help the situation. It is purely a troll, I mean look at the massive generalizations made in the OP. If this had been a man post this about women, it would have been removed in minutes and the OP would be sitting on a lengthy forum silence.
I understand they want to allow the conversation to happen but this isn’t a conversation.
The op is a troll. There is a marked difference though between a polite comment about your hair, and making creepy advances that are not at all appropriate for that context.
There’s a lot of men in this thread doing the second thing and then whining about how wimmenz need to get over being sexually harassed cuz it’s jokes.
Search the thread for how many times I’ve said op is trolling and likely a younger dude trying to bait others into getting forum suspensions for saying sexist things. I have not once condoned their behavior.