I do understand wanting to express anger and frustration after many years of injustice, a lifetime in some cases. There are alot of horrible men out there who make us look bad and we need to do a better job of holding them accountable.
Wow, this is extremely sexist. You assume all men think, act, and treat woman like this??
Worst thing I ever did was ask a girl out and then threaten to off myself when she said no. That’s a jerk move, by the way, I’m not proud of it. Never do that, ever. When you’re young it may seem romantic (or something?), but it’s an A class creeper move all day long.
Other than that, I have a fiancee but I haven’t been in many relationships, and I always treat women with respect. So no I’m not scared, I have literally nothing to hide on the issue.
LGBTIAQ, PoC minorities, Women: “Men it’s time to be better people.”
Straight men: WELL AKSHUALLY…!
?? Why are you singling out straight men?
This entire post just seems condescending.
People are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law though No amount of condescension is going to change that OP.
Best comment in this thread. Well put Melisity
Men use their body for money too lol. Thing is, that whole thing with women using their body for money is that there is someone giving it to them… and that’s men.

I’ve had two serious long term relationships from coworkers lmao. Ya’ll don’t live in the real world.
I’ll ask the same of you then. Do not compliment anyone on their physique, hair, smell, how they dress. Period. Stop complimenting people. Period. Kay?
Why the F would I be scared of an accusation against someone else?
How in any way would that impact me personally?
I’m not scared. I feel bad for the people who had to suffer through a work environment like this but that’s about where it ends.
More hypocrisy.
If I had a dollar for every time I had to listen to a woman trash talk men (crude jokes, judging appearance, sexual jokes, etc), I could have gone to space with Bezos.
It’s completely fine to be upset with people. It’s not fine to try to spin this as ‘man only’ territory.
No. Not all men are your ex boyfriends
Scared? Sorry, but no.
Annoyed? Definitely at this BS sanctimonious culture we find ourselves living in today.
“crude jokes”…OH NO, the horror…
Heyy this thread still going OP played y’all like a fool lol. Such useless arguing.
Yeah, I have no idea why a moderator hasn’t deleted this topic already. Matter of fact they have unflagged the OP a couple of times now…
You know what’s actually cringe? Crying up a storm about how mean women are for saying x thing then being completely sexist yourselves. Y’all do you.
This is just theory but I think theyre sitting this whole topic out in general.
Theyre being pulled in too many different directions. Each mod will have their own views of the situation, there is the fact that the company stance is that the allegations are false. Then you have to look at how people are feeling about the case and how both action and inaction can affect public perception.
If I was a mod, I would have no idea how to handle this.
So I think their goal right now is to just let conversation happen and try to keep things as civil as possible (like deleting posts that are just cursing other users out)
But I am not a mod so do not speak for them.
This is just my theory and could be way off base