Hey, men? I know you're scared

Ur tellin me we had sexists in the lead this entire time and they couldn’t even get us some booba sliders?

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I’ll admit. I chuckled.


I’m scared my loved ones could be victims to sexual pests. Considering even male blizzard employees are reporting harrasment, it would be unwise to make clickbait theads saying “MEN YOU ARE SCARED!” because this reeks of either proyecting personal issues, and I get that, resentment is a powerful instigator.


The weak shouldn’t breed.

This seems like a rather sexist OP.


Ill be honest though with OPs thought process id not want any of their cooking.
Maybe they related…:joy::joy::joy:


Even spiders?

I’m expecting OP to be the kind who finds making cup ramen difficult.


Why would you post something so inflammatory and counterproductive? Ironically, this is only going to turn people against your line of thinking. I’d delete this post.


deep down, i feel 100% comfortable tbh.

filthy meatbags like those are what, 1 out of every 5 men? that means there’s still 80% of men who are not bad at all


nah m8. I have standards.

Because it’s fashionable and quirky to hate on half of the population and pat themselves on the back about how great they are for doing it.


Maybe Jeff Kaplan knew something big was coming in a negative way and dipped…


Why don’t you grow up and take a look at how YOU treat men, from the sound of it, any men in your life are emotional abuse victims.


Did you SERIOUSLY just assume this persons gender? wow

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This thread seems overly combinative and in violation of multiple portions of the Forum Terms of Use. I also think there are other, far less incendiary titled threads that already exist where such dialogues can be had. Suggest all parties cool off and not feed an obvious forum troll, who is looking for their 5 minutes of internet fame.


It’s not and you know it. Blizzard defenders are very likley on the incel spectrum and it’s only about them. That’s that.

No. I don’t. Show me where I indicated as such.

Imagine a single person trying to speak for an entire gender. I am surprised this troll post is still up.


I’m glad misogynist creeps are being outted for what they are.

Frat boy mentality has always been a disgusting trait of many guys and groups, and in this case, companies.

In the work place, it makes you feel almost helpless. You just want to work and have a NORMAL life, but these sick, sex-starved men in power pressure women, flirt with them, make disgusting jokes and comments around them. How can women ever feel comfortable in these situations?

These men are scum. They need to be purged from society at large. Let them dwell in basements and caves.

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