Came here to say almost the exact same thing. Some people just weren’t raised right. Blame these douch bags’ behaviour on not getting their rears spanked when they were little or whatever, but I and most men I know are not like that. The ones I’ve met in RL who are know that I don’t tolerate it. There are plenty of clean ways to get a laugh and be sociable with the opposite sex. This company culture obviously had very little of that.
Let em, fat fingered on my phone and is restored. Feelsgood that you can’t even be any bit of honest without the #CancelCulture crowd flagging you a million times.
Look at that, all they did was remove the “R” word.
I’ve been pro man the entire thread until the misogyny squad showed up. Me throwing it back doesn’t mean I’m trying to cancel anyone or that I hate men. I don’t. There’s a lot of anger directed at women in this thread. Even women like me who spend all day in this thread knighting y’all. That doesn’t matter though cuz despite the fact I’ve spent all day saying how awful this stuff is and most men are good men, I am an evil man hating sjw trying to cancel all men.
This post is bait. Well done OP
Ok that’s just cringe.
Not gonna lie, I’m at the point where someone can say, “5 + 5 = 12” and I’d be like, “Yeah, sure”
truer words never spoken we all dunnit
Yep; swapped some crude … even raunchy … jokes with a female who told me some that made sailors at the next table blush.
Sure did. That woman spent a lot of time in front of the mirror getting her make-up and uniform just right. She deserved to be complimented on it. The way she looked walking next to me into the conference room made MY appearance index go up.
Only one. A female Captain at Nellis who imagined herself a general and ordered me to violate a legal order I was given by HER boss.
Sure. No one EVER lies about the way they were treated, or talked to. Everything everyone says is 100% correct all the time. That’s about as stupid an idea as has ever been uttered, but completely natural for someone who has an axe to grind and doesn’t care who or what gets destroyed, as long as the axe is sharpened. Me? I’ll wait to see what evidence the state has to back up the allegations before I drag out the guillotine.
It does if you chose to just plain ignore the subtext and intention. Or do you just plain not know what “reading between the lines” means? Doesn’t really matter. You could just be another rabble-rousing troll for all I care.
awfully presumptuous of you
actually, no, i havent done anything even remotely like that
maybe you are saying this to assuage your guilty conscience, but dont project it onto others that you dont know.
OP needs to stop being a generalizer who wants to label half the population of the guilt done by a minority…such sanctimonious ignorance only brings distain no matter the intentions of this post. Itmakes one look like a sexist clown and presumptuousness bordering on radicalized zealotry is what makes anyone feel any kind of emotion its that this has become such a common thing shows people are becoming more of ideocracy day by day.
It only takes a group of radical idiots to cause death through this kind of stupid. This world is so mentally exhausting…
OP you need to focus on those guilty and stop painting with so wide a brush. Sexism isnt cool.
The OP must be obese on all the attention this thread is getting.
A master stroke of Bait trolling.
No thanks.
Speak for yourself. Even if you’re a women, seems like you’re just projecting some insecurity on others. I don’t agree with your post at all.
Man, I’m glad I rarely come to these forums. Doesn’t take long to get my “fill”.
“You didn’t get along peachy with every woman you’ve ever worked with, sure.”
If this is the definition of sexual harassment, we need to have a serious come to Jesus meeting about the definition.
I do this ALOT!!! No subject is taboo or off limits for comedy, if I feel comfortable and am confident the people I am addressing are comfortable, I will certainly make the joke. Common sense needs to prevail, you cant just blurt out inappropriate jokes at the wrong time (e.g client facing big no no, until they do then you have to reciprocate lest you put them off its about tone and context, its nuanced).
For example I am darker skinned this lets make get away with all sorts of crude racial jokes that my paler counterparts would be put to task for but this also has the effect of putting people at ease, if such a sensitive topic has no tension or stigma, there is a trust established. Humour is how human beings relate to each other in the Australian Culture… by contrast US PC types really make us appreciate all the more how great life downnder is (though not right now with lockdowns in place, Dam bat eaters!!!).
Absolutely guilty of this and of those compliments being reciprocated. The distinction is not weather you compliment a female co-worker “on her looks” its about crossing boundaries, if its established its inappropriate (or if its the only thing you ever compliment her on), then its off limits sure but this clinical “one size fits all” don’t ever do it, doesn’t work in reality, it just makes you appear stiff and inhuman, most people just don’t interact like robots.
You don’t have to get along with everybody but you do have to treat everyone with respect in a corporate environment.
Individually, a company of blizzards size, I am sure they are. The issue is about culture, is this the norm or is it the exception? If its common place, I say drop the hammer.
Its not about covering for men, its about right and wrong. Any wrong doing should be incur an appropriate punishment thats what justice is, but you DO need proof.
Here is the problem with generalising, when you say “the men are guilty of treating woman badly”, it puts men on the backfoot from the get go and they will try to insulate themselves from any individual interactions with woman. The result is Men now seek to avoid “being guilty” - which means they now will avoid individual contact with woman, lest they “become guilty” of mistreatment… now it makes it seem like the individual woman is the problem (because many coworkers all interact and get on well with each other except her), they are seen to be “not a team player” or as unfriendly/standoffish/not integral to the business… do you see why this become a self fulfilling prophecy of woman not getting the opportunity for advancement?
0_o I find the idea that you cannot bring up a womans appearance offensive, not because I want to demean woman but because there is somehow a stigma that woman are not able to deal with this kind of social interaction or that a womans appearance is a genetic insecurity in all woman (its not). Do you honestly believe you can treat all woman the same? You cant treat all men the same we all have different personalities, preferences and ways we like to interact.
If I have a dry cleaned shirt / suit on and I normally wear chinos and a polo you are dam sure I want the compliments for my confidence… similarly if a female colleague of mine dresses up smarter than usual in equivalent attire, I will dam sure ask who they are meeting with or what the big event is to boost their confidence (even if its as simple as a haircut because past interactions have taught me the noticing is appreciated). If they are offended by it, that is when I will treat them according to the “no social interaction” ruling because that is the boundary that has been set by our interaction.
Do you even understand humans? I feel like you don’t interact with people much in your day to day or you are trolling.
I have sisters, a mother, nieces, cousins, aunts, colleagues/coworkers/clients, friends/guildies etc, I don’t want any of them to face any kind of harassment but even I understand why proof would be needed.
Hell I have heard some inappropriate stories from my sister about work in corporate in the 90s, its generally the exception not the rule you get bad eggs. Again people deserve to be punished for bad behaviour but to suggest the starting point is everyone is guilty is crazy.
lol get rekt noob
Oof OPs words cut deep…
Musta learned those cutting skills in the kitchen.
People like you are the reason why I have no interest in pursuing romance or any other meaningful relationship with strangers.