Hey, men? I know you're scared

What context do you feel is needed here. It would more than likely strengthen my argument. Think for 2 seconds.

you alternate posts with “ive explained it. you just don’t want to hear it” and calling others out for "dodging.’ everyone else here is able to communicate just fine. you need to look at yourself on this one.

I’m sorry, is that supposed to be some sort of a radical and offensive point of view?

1 Like

You dodged.

can’t use the R word on the forums. and given how men react to certain things i imagine it’d be just as bad if not worse, because of how masculinity identity works.

I use it constantly. Unless your R word doesn’t start with ret.

ret. the only real 4 letter word.

This is amazing that its still up, honestly.

Just did.

“some” men. Stop generalizing.

Except he was expressing his opinion, which many (if not most) people share. Yet you took that personally, like he was trying to be offensive with it.


do you know why a lot of men take their own lives in prison, or right when they get out?

I’m scared, please help me troll mommy.

so how long before all these threads merge like in old oct 19

Most guys can’t do that either.

Without actually hurting themselves lol.


This is some pretty gross sexism ngl.

You’re something else.

You can unless you’re that weak willed of a person that you have a mental block when the full word is spelt out.

There’s a lot of words you cannot use on the forums. Iirc on the old forums you couldn’t use an alternative word for cloak without it being edited.

Cape? Mantle?

Dumb thread is dumb


They can still see a posts content even if it’s hidden/deleted. :smiley:

Sad day for the game community, 2 year investigation with such blatant sexual harassment allegations , and disgusting virtue signaling disingenuous crap from people who try to condemn all men based on the disgusting actions of a few.