Hey, men? I know you're scared

You know what scares me?

DHs, nerf them


We don’t punish people on nebulous ideas that someone must have done something wrong in the past. We punish them for specific instances. The worst travesties in history can be justified by the idea that the victims must have done something wrong. In fact the very idea is often used for villains.

Famed for his ruthlessness, Karamazov once said in deciding a case against an accused Heretic that, “There is no such thing as a plea of innocence in my court, a plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time. Guilty.”

So you trust the judicial system to charge people but not enough to evaluate the evidence. Yup that seems like a great idea.

The context of data sets is also drastically overlooked far too often.

I’d imagine data of male on male violence is a little bit inflated when you consider that women couldn’t fight in the number one killer of men for quite some time. It’s almost like statistics is just a vessel for a deeper conversation, and not just something you throw to the wind as a be all end all.

Weird, right?

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he should be mad at other men not at women. we aren’t the reason the statistics are the way they are.

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Men should honestly be holding men accountable. Not these weird… competition thing.


I think being killed is a lot worse than being assaulted. But hey that’s just me.

Also, lmao @ Feyrre dodging.

i’d love to now what female american president sent so many men off to war to die too. cuz that’s totally a thing, right? :man_facepalming:


I’m not dodging. I’ve decided I’m not interested in talking to you

if you had actually ever dealt with what i am talking about you’d understand the term “fate worse than death.” but again, statistically you will never deal with it.

Because you have no argument. You’re just a woman in her feelings. That’s why you feel the need to call men fragile.


you’ve even had other men facepalming at your misogyny. i’d let this one go, dude. your entire argument is “no u” and “i’m right cuz LOL women”

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Well, okay. You’re allowed to feel that way. :joy:

The OP sounds like Ned Flanders in this scene

Because Guilty until proven innocent is how lives get ruined. It leads down the path of “Guilty until proven Guilty” which isn’t a state you want the country in. Crossfire will happen and innocent lives are going to be at stake. Not every male is involved in this, to completely wipe everything clean and call everyone guilty is how families, jobs, and people are lost.

We’ve said this before to many people who were innocent. People need to back up and use reason and logic before blind hatred and straight to action. There is a time and place for both methods and this certainly isn’t it. Yes something should be done to the guilty but for god sakes give it a little time.

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You’re saying most men don’t deal with fates worse than death? Like I said before, you just throw the struggle of men at the wind. You don’t care.

Why do you always go to the extreme? Most PEOPLE don’t deal with that. Give up your need to compete.


Oh, not much. Just pull up by the campfire.

“It’s okay to be wrong.”

Still not going to address the fact that your ‘statistic’ lacks the context for that reason, and it’s definitely not the point you’re trying or wanting to make?

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you very clearly just said being killed is a lot worse than being assaulted.

you could say what your actual argument is, as i have been doing. or you can continue to accuse others of dodging while refusing to actually make any kind of argument beyond “LOL women.”

Gotta say this thread is pretty good at baiting in the incel people.

just waiting for him to give 39847593485 ridiculous reasons why men have it so much harder and when the women in the thread respond the way he did to our stuff he just shouts about how evil we are because we don’t understand what it’s like to be men and how hard it is. :man_facepalming:

I’ve explained it. You just don’t wanna hear any of it like I keep saying.

Yes, I would rather be assaulted than be killed. I want to live. Simple as that. Keep proving my point.