Hey, men? I know you're scared

Na man thats just a man who finished eating the all you can eat buffet.

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i’ve lived in california many times over the years. that stuff isn’t true and is just conservative talking point old wives tales about their being feces in the street. go walk around san fran at some point and see what that’s like. having lived in the area more than once over the years, i have seen it myself.

Uh, I’ve seen video and pictures of said feces.

Like, it was right there. And it was in the news papers.

It’s everything to do with them being women because until just a few decades ago the priorities you list were being forced upon them and ingrained into their very psyche for generations. Also giving birth and everything that goes along with it isn’t some kind of a pre-existing condition that limits productivity… it’s literally what gives life to every human being and without it nothing else would be possible so it has to be taken into account at every level and if anything women should be compensated for it not have their pay ducked.

i’ve seen pictures of certain countries supposedly consuming human flesh and that wasn’t true either. the same type of person who did one, did the other. having lived there is different than believing obvious propaganda.

Last I checked, NBC is not conservative, lol.

Then why are business and people leaving Cali in droves?

I mean didnt Cali lose a seat in the house of reps this last census?

because portlandia happened and all the hipsters moved to oregon instead. ruining their housing market in the process.

Maybe because it’s literally on fire for half the year now, there’s been an unprecedented drought for over 5 years, and they have rolling blackouts like every other week?

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ah you answered without making a smart alleck comment. :frowning:

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I have been military related for years.

When a spouse’s deployed other half is coming back off a year deployment you learn not to ask so what you gonna do this weekend.

Some will tell how they plan to catch up on “things”. And these were the wives left at home.

I just leave it at “so I know you are happy he is coming back tomorrow, have a real good few days off” as I see them leave for a few days off at the end of the work day.

Not really because even today MOST women are family minded. Thats a biological mentality for the average woman.

In fact even in countries that have tried their best to push women into typical male dominated fields and have policies to “level the biological differences” between men and women…women STILL go into social and family fields more often than men.

Its a biological drive for the average women…and nothing to be ashamed of.


So you are saying a business should pay a woman MORE for having a kid?

Thats some interesting logic there bud…I mean is really wrong but…interesting.


Sorry, but it seems that you are a little messed up in the head. You don’t know me. " You complimented a female employee on their looks" – LOL!


people take pto all the time at expansion releases and that’s fine. but bringing life into the world? nbd.

Except it is. Because it requires you to leave work for months.

So you want to give women yet another advantage. For literally nothing. Lmaooooo

Yeah, I don’t get where people are thinking that a woman should get paid to take several weeks off to give birth.

Why are they getting paid? They’re not at the job and working.

You don’t get paid if you break your leg (assuming it did not happen at the workplace). You get money from the government.

You guys wanna make a difference? Put the bible back in our schools.

It starts there.


people take weeks/a month off at expansion releases. search for stuff about shadowlands release. they literally were whining about missing a day of play time and “wasting” their pto because they wanted to level and go straight into a mythic world tour.


What does this have to do with anything?

PTO is not Maternity Leave, nor should it be.

If you want to use PTO for Maternity Leave, then sure, absolutely? Assuming you have that much PTO accrued, that is.

The harder someone virtue signals, the more skeletons they’ve got in the closet.

Bet the OP’s got a lot to atone for.

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