I don’t fear any of this stuff but thanks for painting me with the same brush as everyone else.
How about I reverse it and think all women are just going to make anything up for attention whilst we are going ahead and projecting damaging stereotype
Also don’t care about this stuff, drag the damn dudes that acted like animals and have made me endure bad takes like this one
Blizz was just good at covering it up and/or convincing their employees not to say anything about it.
I mean, when you make a complaint about being paid less than another worker, you kinda need to prove motive.
Was that woman getting paid less because she was a woman, or because her employer thought she wasn’t performing as well? You gotta prove it first.
NOW, with the other allegations that are coming up, that just lends more credibility to it being gender-related (still no proof of it yet tho, gotta let the courts do their thing first).
Just because a law exists doesn’t mean it will be followed. But the fact we do have such laws in place means that as a whole, the USA is trying to keep it fair. There will always be people breaking the law.
Holy crap I though it was the year 2021 not 938759387593845
Plus you have no proof they have been paying women less for being women for 938759387593845 years. If proofs comes out in this case then you will have such but I doubt that specific accusation among the many will hold up.
they are also in the diversity hire capital of the world. blizz had to do their taxes every single year for the last 39847593485 years. so california has known for a long time what’s been going on, and looked the other way. it took that poor woman taking her life (which was then covered up and some other woman likely is getting herself blacklisted for life for whistle blowing) before anything even was looked into. decades california looked away cuz of how much money blizz makes. that’s the thing going over some peoples heads.
It’s true that there is a law on the books but it’s virtually meaningless because not for a single year since it’s inception has there been an evening out of the pay gap. The statics for last year came out a few months ago and women in the US on average earned about 84% of what men did for comparable work.
Just because Blizz had to do their taxes doesn’t mean there’s proof of misogyny when it comes to salary.
Sure, you might see that Programmer A is being paid less than Programmer B, but that could be due to a number of reasons, and you really gotta find evidence that there was something illegal going on.
But a woman takes her own life, and suddenly another woman blows the whistle and now you have evidence to investigate.
Just seeing different salaries from different people at a large company doesn’t mean squat.
Heck, I work in a place that employs 10-12 people. We all have differing wages. Does the state know why? Of course not. Does the state have any reason at all to haul my boss into court and start asking questions?
i am talking about the fact that where there’s smoke there’s fire. when you pretend to be the way blizz is and so pro minorities of all kinds and you can see the gender of every single person that works there it isn’t hard to put the pieces of that one together. they literally looked the other way. california is just as fault for not stepping in sooner as anyone else involved. they didn’t though. because of money.
It’s statically impossible for this to be case across the board in all professions, even female dominate ones like teaching and nursing, by pure chance alone. And yet that’s exactly what the data shows for the US and most of the rest of the world for that matter.
Governments don’t step in without there being sufficient evidence. Investigations are a huge amount of work, and of course, money.
Taxpayer dollars.
You don’t investigate a huge company like ActiBlizz and fail to produce anything meaningful, otherwise you will get absolutely reamed by the press and the people.
CA is already a volatile place where people are very unhappy. The state is on the edge of bankruptcy last I heard, there’s literal human feces littering the streets of San Fran (or was at one point), there are all kinds of natural disasters out there, forest fires, extreme heat, yadda yadda yadda.
Do you think they’re going to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars into launching a formal investigation when they can’t even afford to keep the electricity on full-time?
i am not anti-man. i am anti-R apologist. remember what happened with method? the #1 most evil vile person involved in that cover up was female. and she was a despicable person who hid it for a very long time so that dude could still heal. because to her his healing was more valuable than young women’s safety.