No… I am saying women should get paid maternity leave so they can take care of their babies because it’s beneficial to society as a whole, and yes that includes the hollowed “business” too.
In a very literal sense yes it is paying them “more” because they are not technically working during that time but if anything it’s long term investment in the future work force, again if you wanna be brutally literal about it.
if you think it’s okay to be fully compensated for literally playing wow for a month vs bringing a human life into the world, i don’t know what to tell you. if you want to eventually get married. you have to understand that when your wife doesn’t get paid when shes having your child the money you relied on to pay your bills doesn’t just appear out of thin air. and you will feel the brunt of it.
Sure but when the government doesn’t want to step up and do the right thing someone else has to. And anyway even if the government doled out the checks, where do you think that money really comes from? It’s taxes that come from the businesses anyway, or rather they should but not in this country where businesses have made sure of that through corruption at the highest legislative echelons for decades.
So if someone has a small company and cannot afford to pay maternity leave for an employee then you are saying they should just not hire women
But hey…wasnt that something you were saying was bad a while back?
You see how you kick your own butt with that thinking?
I am not against paid maternity leave but you cannot really think that paying someone for not working will not affect a small business. Large corporations may be able to handle it but small ones…
A woman gets hired at lets say a rate of 3,000 a month
They then get pregnant and have to take off work for 3 months.
That is 9,000 the business has to pay someone to NOT be there…plus another X thousand dollars to hire someone to do that job in the mean time or to pay someoen currently work to pick up the slack.
Thats not an investment unless that child grows up and then comes to work for the business their mother is currently working at.
Like you seem to think any business of any size can always afford to pay mothers to not work.
I am not against maternity leave once again…just saying that its not some one sided issue
I’m 48 so in my years, I’ve done crappy things to both men and women, and I’ve apologized for it. So, I guess I qualify as a ‘decent dude’? Do I meet with your approval??
I take issue with your tone and lack of sensible communication skills. Something horrible has been brought to light and you’ve decided to take a air of authority to start wagging your finger at all the men like it’s your job.
And your grammar doesn’t make sense either: you make a conditional statement that implies past perfect tense (ie. “If you have done something in the past” it is a completed action) and then tell Men to “stop it” I mean, come on now! Think before you write something!
So, are you a man or woman on an ego trip here???
How about you do some self reflection on your own past choices?
this thread is full of young unmarried guys who are obviously upset with women. don’t realize that by being anti-maternity leave they are literally shooting themselves in the foot. if you cannot afford to have a child cuz your wife cannot take time off to have said child, guess what. you don’t get to be parents.
If your place of employment gives you a month PTO, you’re free to do with that PTO whatever you wish.
That’s the whole nature of PTO. You can use that 30 days (or however much it is) of PTO, one day a week, or 30 days in a row. You can use it because you’re about to give birth, or because a new expansion in your favorite MMO just dropped.
That’s literally how PTO is designed to work.
If a woman wants to use PTO for maternity leave, then hey, good for her. But it’s no different than a nerd using PTO to play WoW. It’s still PTO, and that’s in the terms of your employment.
If you do not have any PTO remaining and you get pregnant and need to give birth, then no, the employer should not pay for that.
Just like if you break your leg outside of the job, your employer doesn’t pay for that either, the government does.
I’m pretty sure you have no clue how the court system works.
Until the allegations are proven to the minimum standard of the burden of proof for the type of case it is, there actually IS doubt. Just because you feel entitled to be judge, jury, and executioner doesn’t automatically make you correct. And as far as the evidence goes? There is precious little evidence outside of sensitive national security-related evidence that is ever totally suppressed. Even in civil matters, the burden of proof is on the accuser, and both sides are required by law to disclose ALL information that is even remotely material to the case. If the state does not disclose information favourable to the plaintiffs, that could very well see the suit dismissed with prejudice once that lack of cooperation is exposed.
And again…just because you (“a rando on the internet”) have decided, before a shred of testimony is heard or documentary evidence is presented, that the entirety of the male population at Blizzard Entertainment is guilty and should be punished to the maximum extent of the law proves nothing and instead makes you look like you only care about punishing men.
its always funny to me when supposed 'sinner converts" magically knew to open up to the new testament despite supposedly having no religious background. cuz you know, i always go to the end of the very large book instead of starting at the beginning.
(i was raised lutheran and am still devout, it’s just logically ridiculous to me lol)
Wow. That opens a lot of questions, none that I can ask without risk of being banned on the forums.
I don’t understand how someone can call themselves devout, but yet seemingly ignore large portions of the very book they say they follow. But hey, if that’s your jam…
No offense meant, I just find that astoundingly confusing.
i’ve read the entire bible 6 times. i have read the whole thing. it just doesn’t make sense, logically, for someone to open up to the new testament if they didn’t already know to. if you have no religious background you wouldn’t know where it starts. you would just do what a normal person does and start at page 1.
As for why people open to the NT, well, that’s rather obvious, if you read the Bible. The OT is a build-up to the NT, but it is in the NT where the information is all stored about how one becomes a Christian and what they are expected to do as a Christian. And indeed, when preachers are doing the whole altar call thing, they are always quoting the NT and preaching on the NT.
The OT stuff is still you learn after becoming a Christian, usually.
The biggest question of “how do I get saved”, the answer is not found in the OT. This is how people get confused.