You literally said in the beginning of this thread you were making derogatory comments towards the devs. You can dress it up in “telling it like it is” but no one above 12 is falling for that schtick.
No I said I am stating facts and if those facts hurt, that doesn’t make them unreal. I said I am calling ducks what they are. None of that is derogatory.
Just because you can’t understand feelings don’t trump facts, still doesn’t make anything I said derogatory.
Multiple posts of you just bit#$'ing about what classes devs play is the definition of derogatory.
Make that make sense.
Where is the disrespectful insult that makes it derogatory?
Maybe try not lopping off the relevant part of what I said… I’ve read some dumb posts, but that is one of the worst.
I didn’t lop off anything, no one has said anything that was disrespectful, my entire point
It’s very telling that you somehow don’t get why Blizzard would frown upon posters insinuating over and over that certain classes got reworks because devs play them. Once or twice, okay… he brought it up in multiple posts in a row. It’s pretty clear why it got locked, and you can thank him for it.
Nope. That is not the definition at all. In fact it doesn’t say anything about pointing out facts in the definition.
Post clear and concise evidence to support your statement that ret and spriest were reworked due to devs playing them. Otherwise, you should open that link and look up what a fact is.
Fact Metzen mains a ret pallie.
His main World of Warcraft character is a human retribution paladin.[31][32]
Fact Rets got buffed because he returned.
On December 15, 2022, John Hight announced that Chris Metzen had joined the Warcraft Leadership Team as Creative Advisor, with an initial focus on World of Warcraft and planned involvement in other projects for the franchise.[22]
Anything else?
You clearly never been on the pvp forums, it’s literally the main talking point
It’s sad that you don’t get what you posted isn’t proof of anything other than Metzan, who’s been gone for a decade, plays a ret pally.
It’s been fun, but both of your replies for the last hour are proof as to why the post was closed.
Metzen who returned full time Dec 15 2022 just 3 months ago and still is full time now as we speak…
Bruh learn to read.
That doesn’t prove ret was reworked because Metzan came back. I’m really starting to feel bad for you. This shouldn’t be that difficult to grasp.
You say he has been gone for a decade… but he has been full time since they started to rework ret…
Dude go away.
I would almost feel bad for you but honestly you just need to learn feelings < Facts.
Where can i post screen shots? I just had a Marksmanship hunter AGAIN beat me by 30 MILLION damage in a +24 Court of Stars. Who lied to yall saying the Bow was making them do x,y,z Damage??? Their damage was PERFECT without the buff or the bow, so they literally made away with 30% damage buffs for no reason at all and are DESTROYING other classes now lmfao. So dont tell me WW isn’t severely undertuned and can’t say i’m a trash monk who doesnt know to play their class lol. Frost mage beat me by 20 million. This is embarrassing. Revert the 3% dmg nerf MINIMUM then we can atleast hope to gain actual rework, but that word scares people. we literally need 2 talents swapped or removed and the entire spec can be temporarily fixed atleast in AoE/ST aka Access to Jade Ignition/Attenuation. And why is Rushing Jade Wind still in the game for windwalker lmfao??? Push that button every 5 seconds to do 13k dmg ??? LOOOOOOOOOL???
They did ST ‘Buffs’ and yet you cant do half and half, u have to either choose mediocre pure single target and hot garbage AoE, OR Mediocre AoE and hot garbage single target.
Screenshots if you don’t have permission to just link then directly you can link it and frame with two of these `
It will look like this
Something that could go a long way to help our ST is to make the crackling jade talent to add “every stack reduces the channel time of cjl by 5%” making it instant cast and give chi again would tremendously help with just that change.
But we definitely need some adjustments and it’s insane we haven’t gotten one word from blizzard
The main thing is why cant we have something very simple like 'Every 10 Chi spent generates 1 Dance of Chi Ji" Because the only time we can keep up or do great damage is when one in a million chance we get 2 or 3 back to back Dance of Chi Ji procs while Clones and Xuen and Bonedust are all rolling, which happens so rarely and maybe once a dungeon. Might as well give us Roll the Bones like Outlaw Rogues because thats the new monk damage profile, cross your fingers and don’t expect much.
Would need to be way less than that, but agreed. Also dance procs need to stack terrible feeling to have dance proc itself and then either waste the chi because you might be overcapped on both chi and energy just to proc another dance from using a bok.
This is why I stopped playing slands was because playing the monk slot machine felt terrible, unlike mop/wod monk who had actual control and consistenty
Yea they let Frost DK Stack killing Machine now, but monks cant stack theirs? Even though it wouldn’t matter because it so rarely procs or double procs not like we would even notice it lol but i do get ya sometimes im not ready to spend it and i can hear it proccing again im like really… -_- The proc chance should be increased or we need a guaranteed generator of it like spending chi actually gives us one, not 3 in this 2 minute mob pack, then 0 in this one, then 1 on the next pull, etc etc. Above all else even with all its flaws and shortcuts, the 3% damage nerf needs to be reverted, period. Otherwise might as well go into a dungeon a Mistweaver but have the role of DPS