DKs are pushing for a frost rework, even though they made a lot of changes DKs asked for such as KM stacking. All for the sake of having a viable frost build that didn’t involve that breath of sindragosa cancer. Honestly I think the DK community would celebrate if breath of sindra got canned and they could piss on its grave. They can barely adjust the tree because of how obviously designed the tree was around that stupid talent.
That said, in my honest opinion, no other spec needs a rework as badly as Windwalker does. Ret wasn’t even struggling with damage as far as I could tell, they just didn’t like how the spec played. While I don’t think Metzen is the sole reason retribution got reworked, I’d be willing to believe it played a big part of it.
Windwalker has so many issues I find it mind boggling as to how retribution got a rework before it and instead gets a locked feedback thread instead of just removing posts that went against whatever forum rules it broke. Outright ridiculous.