Hey look at this guys

Might be worth the try?

It had some good ideas. The one person ( Hyouriku? ) was doing a good job at collecting the ideas from various other threads too so they were in one place.

Oh wow, that’s silly.

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Yeah he was doing a really good job and his formatting was some of the best I’ve seen on any forum section on the entire website honestly.

Yeah beyond silly honestly, especially with no mention as to why


I think it was just because of the comments at the end the developers probably didn’t like about how if a developer plays a class it will always be the best or something along those lines.

There are 3 different thrrads currently open on the ptr forums raggin on the devs.

The pvp forums are full of things at the devs that aren’t too flattering either

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Lets get suggestions in

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I’ve kept myself some up-to-date when I got time and the mood for it.

I could try and create a forum ticket, mentioning that I will keep this thread in the monk’s forum (if switching was the cause).

Haha thanks. I tried to keep it clean as I knew it will grow to a bigger list and you easily loose orientation if there is no proper order. So I used what I knew/had as tools at here.
I think I have used the “spoiler” feature a bit too much though.

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nah it worked well for what it was, if you say didn’t care about something you didn’t have to bother going through it and could find what you wanted in the context you wanted it

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Yes that’s exactly why I did it with so many spoilers. I know there are enough people who don’t care for some aspects so… Less to read for them and more klicks to all who wanna see everything.


I think Xuen would be awesome as a Druid (Evoke Wild God) or a Hunter (a tameable model like Hati). But as a Monk it will always be a point of contention.

Gale Burst probably felt nice then because it was exclusively a tuning knob to improve where we often felt the weakest – single target. It would be different as long as FFG exists, though frankly that needs to go too. Feels great seeing myself even with other DPS until I see that I’m actually 20-30% under and ToD cleaving makes me look like I’m treading water.

Tiger Lightning unfortunately hits all the parts of the kit and also means if our swarm damage stays strong enough (not the best but top 50 percentile), it’s enough of a justification to try and explain away the issue of poor ST damage. A flat damage multiplier isn’t too interesting by itself–its how it stacked into one big attack that made it really cool. (Unfortunately, that’s how Touch of the Magi works for Arcane now, yet another class stealing tools formerly belonging to Monk.)

I enjoy how Fury of Xuen operates, but Xuen itself hasn’t felt great since BFA, when it overhauled the Legion design. If they kept Xuen and placed Fury of Xuen as the primary way to summon, with a fixed Lightning Damage coefficient (i.e. how it existed before BFA), I wouldn’t care at all. Lately, I’ve been running Serenity as my primary cooldown because it makes the kit feel great and honestly, Fury of Xuen triggering Serenity (mostly the spender CDR) instead would feel just as amazing if not moreso for hasting the rotational aspects. (Though, FoF should probably get a channeling speed buff, since RSK is often also resetting mid channel.)

I also believe Teachings of the Monastery is problematic but I haven’t really fleshed out my thoughts on it. Ultimately, it’s cool because of what it does but how it’s placed and triggered is the issue. It actually incentives rotation dead space at times which isn’t something I’m aware of any other class wrestling with.

But I’m talking about removing the summoning and the effects of xuen are placed on the monk as a buff onto us, zero summoning.

Was part of the reason we sucked ST in legion and BFA


Misunderstood – I thought you meant keep the summon but when summoned the Monk got the lightning effect only. Still an awkward lion leaping around, chasing enemies into adds.

It didn’t exist in BFA though.

Completely different legion experiences too.

Yo i just got out of a jade temple (Granted yes some pulls are 3-4 target cleave but some pulls are also 6-10 target cleave)… a marksmanship hunter beat me 12 million damage and he DID NOT have the new ‘bis’ rings on, i had 9 million damage from my new stone ring, so in reality that is over 20 million damage… Demonology beat me by 4 million and he also did not have the ring. I have SS’s of many classes and specs beating me even frost mage now in NOKHUD lol which is supposed to be our only dungeon we can ‘blast’ in, only if a feral druid/sprest/unholy DK arent present of course. Why isnt our 3% overall damage nerf being reverted this is ridiculous. How did Ret get a 15 page essay and we cant even get a simple 1 button fix like the 3% damage nerf reverted, and they gave us these trash ST ‘buffs’ which were actually nerfs since they reduced RSK dmg LOL? Why cant we have a 'every 20 chi spent triggers 1 dance of chi ji proc" like i would enjoy doing damage when i want to, not when im lucky enough to. Enough is enough yall are trashing monk for no reason and our AOE which is all we had, is like number 8 on the List. Our single target is still dead last so im confused, where are these buffs at again?


I don’t know why anyone would choose to play Windwalker right now unless they just like the class fantasy. Every class forum has people complain about how their class is awful and needs a rework, but Windwalker specifically has the numbers and statistics to back up the claim, but nothing changes. WW is a bad ROI.


Yeah I don’t want that to be kept around, I hated we got shoe horned into it.

Do you realize that for us to have good DPS it required our teams to actually kill things within our touch of death windows?

Because feral and monks were the same in regards to how long it took the boss to die compared to their last burst cycle.

It was something like the boss had to die within 20 seconds of the last gale burst explosion before dps started to decay rapdily, meaning if tod was coming off cd right as the boss died your dps numbers would be terrible.

Other than feral, we were the only ones who had to deal with dps decay after our burst cds. Didn’t feel good if you were in a grp of people who were doing 60-70 parses on their classes and watching your dmg just slowly slip down further and further

You’re 100% wrong there

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actually worst than that on fights we can’t use touch of death on multiple mobs at once

That’s how Combustion windows worked.
That’s how Avenging Wrath worked.

Most classes needed things to die within a short time of their cooldown window (or have a way to reset the cooldown window) or they would have rapid falloff.

If that wasn’t your damage profile, it really seemed to be the exception, not the rule.

As I read your post though, I do remember seeing those big spikes early and fairly quick normalization back down toward an average damage.

Ok. Mandela effect for me.

Gale Burst (trait) was removed in Legion but added to the skill itself in BFA. I overlooked since I stopped playing fairly quickly when 80% of expansion features weren’t available on launch and the meme “beta for Azeroth” was on full swing. (Also, my guild disbanded late Legion, so no reason to stick around.)

Thanks for clearing it up.

The stat squish plus coefficient drop from 100% to 35% likely made all the difference. BFA wasn’t kind to most classes dealing with armor late in the expansion either.

It was swapped to Xuen’s Empowered Tiger Lightning in Shadowlands.

News to my ticket (it was very short. Without the hello/good bye I got this):

“After reviewing forum thread we have determined that the appropriate actions were taken. For more information about the forum Community Code of Conduct please check out this page here: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000256989

So I still can only guess.

  1. Harassing or Defamatory
  • “Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people”
    – (will result in a temp ban of the player - repeated actions can lead to more severe actions
  1. Cross Linking Threads
  • “Linking to threads from other forums”
    – I think I did this once - but in context of the topic/post
    – Would result in a temp ban (no other actions are written there so this shouldn’t be the reason)
  1. Spamming or Trolling
  • “Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters”
    – Happened rarely → temp ban
  • “Making non-constructive posts”
    – Bumping occured… 3 times I guess
    – Resulting in a temp ban

Most likely it’s because of talking about the devs but not in a comparatively harsh way as in other topics that weren’t closed. So the Code of Conduct didn’t really answer why it was closed…


People in this thread literally said they were making derogatory comments to the devs. Not sure why you’re surprised it got locked.

And there are a dozen threads currently still active doing that very thing and saying worst than “man it sure sucks getting ignored” “do they even play their game?” That last one is just about in every pvp thread past 20 replies

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No, what happened was people accused people of making derogatory comments to devs and it was pointed out nothing said was derogatory, just factual, and if facts hurt that still doesn’t make it derogatory.

The monk dev factually quit expansions ago, whoever has been tasked with holding down monk doesn’t play or even understand the basics of the class, WW monk is factually the lowest dps spec in game right now. None of that is made up. All of it is fact.

Being accused by randoms, who post on classic alts, to hide their mains doesn’t make anything they say actually true.