Hey guys look at what surv can do lol

Idk if the situation is your opponent pressing 0 cds for all offensive abilities. Just grab a sub rogue would prob be best.


Yeah sub is the obvious choice but I’m dumb so prot it is

I’m not sure how disc priest w/o rapture will handle the kind of dmg surv can output, I’m pretty worried about playing my alt disc priest tbh with all these survs running rampant.

Disc has the highest hps potential through atonement if disc is not fine then no other healer will be able to heal it.

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True, Disc is honestly seeming like a problem. 1 shield plus a dot keeps someone up thru all cds.

Did they do the double tap thing where they double the entire kit to compensate

Disc priest shields are all rapture shields now. That was the compensation. Unfortunately, the last line of defense against all classes being braindead op is trashcan surv.

You? Mr 40k+ posts is shy? Stop the cap.

This guy is running 0% haste and dumping everything into Mastery to be a gimmick one shot hitter while no one has any hit points. Hardly anything to look at here, just a guy running around focus starved and hoping he gets an opening. If anybody has ever played SV more than 3 seconds, they would easily see the gimmick.

Once the season gets going any knucklehead running around trying to run full mastery and no haste will get out paced by all other classes. He won’t be able to run sets and keep the right stats.

Nothing to see here.

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What’s funny is I had a surv hunter in my lobby yesterday complaining about the WW’s damage in the opening gates and he then goes on to do 4mil in a global killing the WW.

Some people are just so clueless it’s crazy to witness.

Like the devs if there’s no hunter nerfs Tuesday

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lol no it wouldn’t
 none of survivals abilities hit anything crazy aside from flanking randomly being broken after the patch. All their other abilities don’t do insanely big numbers like that. Not saying they do bad damage but insinuating anything else would be “almost” better than 5-6mill in a global is just delusional at best.

Not to mention they already have what youre insinuating they’d get by “dropping” flanking strike once it’s fixed.

I’m personally not expecting a balanced season. We haven’t had consistent balance changes in a long time.

What was the most balanced season you played? :dracthyr_love_animated:

Balance. What’s that? I still have scars from the retpocalyspe.

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That’s all SV does is burst lol.

It’s an irrelevant spec outside of that.

I mean, top SV hunters play like 10% vers and put everything else into haste/mast. There’s definently a double dip going on rn with flanking that needs to get gutted a bit.

I mean blowing all your CDs for a 1 shot and the other team not responding is probably just pointing out that, yeah he hit hard (and flanking is def doing way more than he should), but pressing literally anything keeps them alive.

This explains it pretty clearly on what was already explained before he came in with what was happening.

He had, quite literally, a year to trade a CD.

This is like the equivalent of standing in line of a tyrant that was summoned 10s ago just letting it wail on you the whole time while not in CC and going “WTF WHY DID I DIE!!?!”.

It’s definently doing WAY more than it should, but that’s with every major CD up. Roll back the damage to flanking strike and SV honestly doesn’t really do much else. It’s consistent DPS is rather lackluster with the loss of butchery, and it’s burst will still be strong but not one shotty.

Read this in Trump’s Voice :
Not a single warrior said thank you since patch 11.1, how ungrateful you are. You are in no position to dictate pvp balance. Hunters are going to feel very good and very strong. You dont have the cards right now, with hunters you start having comps.


That’s a small number compared to the one venruki took on his mage earlier :joy::joy:

Survival will never be meta because you can’t DK / Warrior zug zug and mindlessly turn corners. No Dstance no defensives in a stun and the dude in the clip is literally 0% haste for a gimmick one tap so if home boy just pressed his defensive he’s vsing someone with rez sickness dps after. Imagine what a full Versa / Mastery Destro Lock could hit you for but nobodys actually going to do that because it’s not real. Survival is so unpopular of a spec that most people aren’t tracking spearhead on their UI if you did this would never happen ever