Hey guys look at what surv can do lol


going to enjoy this once tuesday hits lol.


Well this is becuase of bug fixes with SV not ahving some talents applying to pets.

SV already did this last patch, it just got way stronger with those bug fixes. Spearhead, among other things, properly affecting pets lets them get the crit bonus. The fact that the pet crit about 1.5x harder than the actual player is a bit absurd tho. Flanking Strike alone could easily do 50-60% of someones health if everything lined up in s1.

(SV still gets eaten alive by cleaves)


Better nerf MS again.


Also trigger warning: Nahj’s face is uncensored in that clip, sorry.


Another 25% ms nerf for arms stepping outta line. Just gotta show em who’s boss for stepping outta line can’t have ranged not having fun.


That’s another 2 second nerf on sharpen for sarcasm.

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You guys better watch out or you’re gonna pull ahead of locks as the #1 class with victim mentality :rofl:

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In all seriousness though idk what happened with flanking strike when the patch hit. It was not hitting any where near as hard as it is right now. Survival other than absurd random flanking strike damage is fine none of the other abilities do anything like that.

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In all fairness locks have the oldest most outdated toolkit of all classes that blizz refuses to update and makes changes to


Bugfixes properly fixing pets not benefiting from various talents.

I do agree with this. That clip specifically had literally EVERY offensive button up for him, so it was either he hit everything or hes not really doing much for another 1.5m


A nerf to flanking strike and survival will be inline with other specs. It’s wild what they did increased flankings damage by like 200%+ lmao.

I mean choice noding flanking + butchery was a sad nerf to sv.

But the flanking stuff will prob get gutted later and more power put into bombs or tip

Okay so surv can hit people for 5-8m in a global but let us not forget that Warrior can almost do that


Real nerf warriors till unplayable thanks

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The highest mortal I’ve hit so far is a 3.8 mil mortal. I need what y’all got to be hitting 5 mil mortals. I need to hit one before we get nuked on Tuesday.

Eh kind of but I honestly don’t mind having one less button. It’s getting kind of ridiculous now a days with that and macros.

Flanking definitely needs tuned. It doesn’t take a genius to see that yet blizz hasn’t done anything which I guess isn’t surprising lol.

Well the choice node sucks because SV iddnt have an option for either scenario. You go full ST or full aoe now, no inbetween. The choice node is kinda fixed by giving buffs to mongoose, so it’s nice.

Once flanking gets nerfed people are just gonna go over to the Fury + bomb one shot.

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For PvP or PvE? Because last I’ve seen fury of the eagle has been bad for PvP for so long.

Fury isn’t bad rn for PVP. Just spearhead + flanking/butchery was leagues better.

Arms chunking people when it’s not being endlessly kited: :face_vomiting:

Hunters 70-0’ing plate: :heart_eyes:

I disagree with this heavily.

Lock toolkit is near perfect that’s why it’s hyper viable every single season.

I would say shaman overall has the most outdated toolkit