Laros does indeed not know how to play vs Surv hunter or does not know the class at all. You are correct. Thats the only explanation I can come up with for no one on the team pressing a single defensive during every offensive cd from another dps class.
time to track that on omnibar and run away from it
one of these two is lying.
Flanking strike should hit harder than mortal strike because it has a longer cooldown. Kinda stupid that people are comparing the two.
flanking should hit hard not 6 mil to 5mil hard lol both hitting hard require all our cds and flanking is hitting harder then mortal strike lol.
Iâve never seen such cope lmao
The reason it seems like arms got nerfed more than others is because of how the pve changes impacted it relative to how it was already tuned in PvP. Early Df it got a bunch of negative PvP mods to talents that scale ms and at the same time got a big PvP mod to base mortal strike damage. This patch nerfed prowess and buffed base mortal strike by a lot, which had a compounded effect for PvP output.
Marks, for example, launched already nerfed by 15% on aimed and rapid fire. Survival doesnât have huge PvP mods. Not saying further tuning isnât probably needed but also donât feel like you have to go overboard because 25% looks like a lot. Unerring vision needs its PvP modifier back (somehow got dropped in a ptr merge). Crit damage modifier portion of spearhead probably needs a similar mod.
This needs to be stickied, OMG.
I did a saltwater + berserk 15second burst window as surv and i did 2 1/2 mil dps for the entire time. 6 mil flanking into 3 mil bomb x2 into a 2.7 mil kill shot x1 with a 2.7mil explosive hitting at the same time on 3 targets with another 2 bombs coming through with another explosive shot. Meanwhile another 23% of my damage was made up of dots/procs passively doing dam.
All of this was done in a 17 second window where i killed 3 people. Pets also seem to be double dipping with flanking in pvp since i can only ever get 1.5-2.3 mil pet flanking (no including mine) unlike in pvp where it is a 3.0-3.2 mil pet flanking.
âNew personal best with wryvern procing giving me a 2.8 mil pet flanking outside of bgs.
The damage on 3 targets would not be equal unless you are saying without spearhead. Kill shot, bomb, flanking cannot hit at the same time even at 100% haste so this is just false. There is no situation where you would hit a higher number in pvp than you would hit in pve due to modifiers to crit dmg as well. Are you doing this testing at a target dummy or you got 3 friend to stand in a line in a bg? There are some pvp modifiers that are not active unless in a pvp instance.
Yeah yeah so can surv do this on tuesday or nah
Even if they nerf flanking the explosive shot + bomb build will be almost stronger.
With all due respect, you seem to be the only one who thinks surv isnât overtuned.
There is no loss in bomb dmg to get all flanking strike nodes.
Nah surv looks kind of beans btw any survs tryna q prot mw surv on tuesday i like bad specs
Hey Smight you are against the people. stand down.
Who is âsmightâ?
Sounds toxic. Stream it!
Aaaaaaa Iâm shy