I just hope they nerf the actual problem which is literally just flanking strike lol. I don’t have much faith in blizz though.
Nah need it to stay so I have a reason to queue for the first 4-5 months of the season
Supatease got a 5m+ in shuffle without that, so nah.
Warrior just cranking and all these babies whining that they need to 1 shot you or they’re not viable is par for the course for Warrior discussion.
Didn’t they let BM have untouched black powder for weeks and even then the nerfs didn’t matter much?
Plus marks made it through an awc round or two without nerfs last season so this is probably staying. The hunter dev eating good.
it should fr
Based let’s play DH war this ssn when you’re done horsing around on a boat.
They do need to do a check on surv, nerfs clearly needed. Has anyone heard of the surv hunter ‘Willy’ (known bully in the PvP community, ‘join cord turn on cam’). He seems to be taking out every tournament player with ease as a hard stuck duelist???
Yes the thing that needs nerfed on survival is literally flanking strike. I think it’s some kind of bug or it’s somehow double dipping on mastery or a talent damage increase. Pre patch it was not hitting anywhere near as hard as it is right now and currently after the patch it’s hitting atleast 200% harder than it was and to my knowledge nothing has changed with it to warrant those kind of numbers.
Watched this clip back. Surv had spearhead on laros for 5 secs when he died. had his coordinated assault up for 6 secs. The priest has 2 ps and the warrior has die by the sword and he’s not in defensive stance. Just low awareness. If fire mage presses combust on you and you press nothing you should die. If someone pops all of their cooldowns and you sit there doing nothing you should die.
Anything else is bad game design.
no one expects to randomly get one shot by flanking yea it’s big CDs but he was fine then got nuked.
He is unaware to what survival buttons do. Would you be unaware to get crit the whole time during combust? No because you know what combust does. He just has no clue what survival does.
If he even pressed 1 button there he lives and surv does nothing in that go.
I actually just saw this. Find help sicko. Anyone that agrees it was OP that laros died there is a bad player. it is what it is.
You are drooling. He had to press 3 globals which at full mastery is 4.5 secs before he even started his burst rotation. 2 of those globals do little to no dmg. If at any point you react during that build up window you never die. Let me know if that is hard to do. Just want to make sure the I understand where you fall on the totem pole.
Only 3 posts on forums check, surv hunter check, this is bait.
As I stated above, this guy is just a bully in the PvP community when we are trying to have a friendly discussion. Your class needs adjustments, no need for aggression period.
You saw how I hit pure logic and tried to explain what happened and how its easily countered. You just threw some more mindless dribble. That sucks sorry for speaking to you.
I was a victim. I saw misinformation being spread and jumped to save the community from falling even lower down the rabbit hole of this is OP thats why I can’t win. I stand for the people.
your trolling and im not going to engage have a good day old man.
You still are spewing mindless dribble after I explained all you had to do was scroll back up and try to read. That sucks. Sorry about that lil bro let me know when you get out the locker.
Make sure to report in game as well. Bugs have to be addressed. Forum posts can be missed or ignored.
Yeah surv isn’t broken Laros just doesn’t know how to play duhhh