I’ve never seen such a lie in my life
ele is feeling like fire mage from s1 rn and sv is over here hitting back to back 2-3m in .3 seconds.
How is every thread turning into a warrior thread rn
it has already gotten nerfed so idk how tbh lol. backto the 5mil flanking tho.
I still got lit up by an ele the other day, just takes set up for fatty lightning bolts instead of pressing Ascendance to immediately kill 4 people.
yeah its possible… but its scripted extremely hard and relies on hardcasting the whole game to get anything done. its not terribly viable outside of that one hard hitting tempest.
??? Druids have had the most pruning to their abilities and are basically playing cata with the exception of convoke the spirits staying, which isn’t really viable in pvp.
Not to say that druids are bad, because they’re not, but they absolutely have the most outdated toolkits.
nobody likes charge, stun stun fear ( basically a stun rn) and then reflect bladestorm while eating big dam
probably because people are doing bgs and saltwater + berserker + rng crit makes it top out high
this is literally propaganda
Yea it’s because they messed up with flanking strike somehow. It’s never even hit close to that before the patch. That’s the only outlier with survivals damage. Honestly to me it feels like some kind of bug on blizzs end.
need 25% off of flanking strike
Yea youre probably right. Idk why it randomly started doin that much damage. It did good damage before patch but after it like nearly doubled it feels like. the first time it happened to me i was like wtf was that a bug or something???
maybe the talent that increases it by 40% is double applying
that’s when a British person looks really good at somethin
Yea there’s definitely something weird going on. I thought maybe there was a bug with mastery and it’s possibly double dipping or something weird.
So is this getting adjusted tuesday or can two of the three hunter specs just press off mount and kill somebody who isn’t topped lol
Also hey were the 1700 body type 1 elf hunters telling me surv doesn’t burst lol lmao
it probably is the mastery the guy who did it is full mastery.
That’s gotta be a bug. Idk what they did though to make its damage increase as much as it has. All the other abilities hit the same but flanking is wild out of no where. To my knowledge none of the talents for flanking changed aside from having to pick between flanking and butchery.
forget all that the monks name being nut is crzy. on the other hand 6mil bro this gotta get fixed before tuesday. going to be the fastest 2400 for survs just one shotting people off rip.