Hey blizzard, you there? Why are warriors healing for more than enhance?

Both I guess. Ignoring enhance completely, arms healing in many situations is really high. Factoring in arms mobility, control, damage, etc. really makes the added healing overkill.

I think it becomes more glaring when you look at it side by side with enhance healing. Take an all melee lobby for instance. If you have a UHDK, Arms, DH, and enhance, all of them will likely have higher single target healing than the enhance. But than you start looking at all the other tools they have by comparison, and enhance is just completely outclassed. Than you factor in an MS and enhance healing just craters VS a warrior.

Enhance mobility is also bad and their healing relies on them being on target… to be able to heal. So you put them in a full ranged lobby and they just fall off.

:blush: true true. I have only blamed BM a few times over the years and have never enjoyed it in PvP. You feel so unattached from your damage. I would play MM, but I hate the rapid fire play style. Boring af.

that’s not really what i was trying to ask
to be clearer:

should enhance be able to keep itself safe when its healer gets ccd? would that mean that comps with reliable stuns free to reserve for the shaman and rot comps that can deplete the shaman’s healing resources by damaging multiple players are the only comps that should be able to kill them?

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Gotcha. I’d say mostly yes. That was the niche enhance had for sometime, but there are/were ways to counter it.

I’d say a better way to look at it is like this. What mobility does enhance have to get out of danger? Lunge is only for gap closing and Spirit Walk is a 1 minute CD that only removes the initial root/snare. In the past, enhance dealt with the lack of mobility with a ranged kick, grounding and healing. Kicks aren’t nearly as valuable, so that leaves us with healing.

So how do we compensate? As a point of comparison, look at what all the other melee have.

  • Warrior - Leap, Intervene, and extra mobility with bladestorm
  • Monk - Tiger’s Lust, Port, Roll, Flying Serpent Kick
  • Ret - Freedom, Steed
  • DH - Fel Rush, Retreat
  • Hunter (SV) - Disengage, Master’s Call, Cheetah
  • DK - Death’s Advance
  • Rogue - lol
  • Feral - Mobility isn’t an issue

Outside of DK, most melee have mobility that can be used for either offense or defense and mostly on short CDs. Enhance has one ability with a long CD. So your healer gets CC’ed… now what?

If enhance had better ways to mitigate damage, i’d be fine if healing wasn’t really a factor. To that, if they want to make enhance a bit more tanky, than tone down the burst to compensate.

I played alot of double dps 2s in shadowlands on my enhance too. Was fun and was a nice way to be able to play with a friend when neither of us wanted to play a healer.

Felt like playing at a disadvantage compared to healer/dps but still felt relatively competitive.

Now it’s not really viable (outside of rogue/mage) because hybrid healing sucks.

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Other melee have instant cc, disarms, immunities, mobility tools, etc. on top of MS.

Traditionally enhance has had strong healing instead of alot of that stuff.

But now it seems like enhance healing isn’t any stronger than any other DPS. Except we still don’t have the other defensive tools or the offensive mortal strike…

And our healing is more of a DPS loss than it is for most DPS…

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Idk even with the insane damage DH does, I don’t out “heal” anyone unless people pump into darkness.

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There is definitely a grey area that exists between a sort of hybrid tax and pure dps self-sufficiency.

Many pure dps will outheal Ret over the course of a typical match and the reason given is usually the fact that Ret can use its heals on others. But what is the balance here? Does the fact that I can heal someone instantly for about 8% of their health pool (pre-damp) every six second outweigh, for example, a warlocks own ability to keep itself alive?

Diving a bit deeper here using ret specifically as an example, hybrid healing has gotten so bad it is almost never advantageous to press WoG, so much so that players have started messing around with abandoning healing hands altogether for a mere 2% increase in armor and crit chance.

I’m not a fan of instant flash talent (I think instant healing from ret should solely be wog), but that has become our preferred way to offer instant healing to others.

The end result is a hybrid spec with only one healing button that does anything (lay on hands).

Of course, this does not factor other friendly utility buttons, and this is not reserved as a testament to ret’s strength, but the healing aspect of hybrid v pure dps seems a bit off.

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Same thing for enhance - majority of top 50 enhance shamans don’t run the talent that boosts healing surge by 25/30% because healing surge throughput is so low to begin with that they don’t think it’s worth it.

I thought we covered this topic before.

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Its what we do here Kennie, you konw this. We talk about things in 3 to 4 different threads for therapy.


For sure. There are lots of things we could factor in, but I’d say mobility stands out. Enhance needs to be able to soak some damage. So either we are actively mitigating that damage or we are healing through it.

It’s more like the healing you’re doing during your go is enough to offset pressure from the other team. So where you might have been forced to go defensive, you can remain offensive. Regardless, I’m not saying the healing DH is reliable or anything, but purely on a numbers point, the healing is happening and it’s largely single target.

I think we have a pretty small windows to catch the attention of the one, part time intern that reads the forums ever so often. So, the only recourse we have is posting as often as possible with the hopes of garnering their attention if for only a brief moment. :slight_smile:

Even after the match I’m looking at healing meters and I’m bottom lol, unless like I said, I get a big darkness. Our leech isn’t a lot, hunters usually out heal me.

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Pet healing isn’t healing. More specifically, me healing my pet doesn’t mean anything for the healing I’m doing to myself, which is nearly non-existent.

Most ironically is that you’d think you could apply this same logic to warriors. Disarm the impend.

Just kidding you can impend for some reason without a weapon.

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:laughing: Funny how that works.

that’s a lie. As DK, I can say: 1 minute in the arena and death strike doesn’t heal anything.

These days ago, I took a chaos bolt to the face, used a death strike afterwards and it healed 0.01% of my life. (should have healed more due to the skill effect)

True, S1 our healing got nerfed by a lot.
These nerfs where from Dec last year.
The Hunt now heals for 10%/20% (as Havoc/Vengeance) of damage dealt to the marked target for 20 seconds (was 25%/50% for 30 seconds).

Charred Warblades now heals for 3% of Fire damage dealt (was 5%).

Consume Soul heal effect when consuming a Demon Soul reduced by 60% in PvP combat.

Then in January:

  • Soul Rending leech bonus reduced by 40% in PvP combat.

Then last patch we lost fodder.

Edit: once the DH damage gets nerfed even further, legit won’t heal for anything from any of our damage


I don’t have a reason to lie. :slight_smile:

I don’t want to see any specs struggling and am more than fine with DKs healing. It’s not just about death strike and actual healing though. It’s about mitigating damage, which AMS, AMZ, etc. all accomplish. It’s why grounding totem counts towards Enhance healing, even though it’s far less effective than AMS these days.

i’ve noticed a pattern that every time DKs ask for Deathstrike to be buffed/unnerfed, warrior receives a self healing buff.

I get that. I’m not asking for anyone to be nerfed atm. The post is just pointing out that a spec that has long since been balanced around the healing it did now has awful healing. So much so it can’t even keep up in single target healing unless you completely forego doing damage.